To learn how to add or delete posts you will need to read the Manage Blog Posts article. To learn how to change the feature image of a blog post, you will need the Change Feature Image article.
Access the Blog Options
Log in to the Admin of your site. If you need help finding the right place to do so, follow the instructions in the Log In article.
Go to Theme Editor>Blog Options in the left menu.
Create a Blog Category
Blog categories can be used to organize blog posts. You can create categories in the Blog Optionssection. Follow the instructions below to create a category from that page. If you would like to use the categories on your live site as well, please contact
Go to Theme Editor>Blog Options in the left menu.
Find the AddNew Category panel on the right side of the page.
Type a Name for the category.
If you would like to nest other categories under this one, choose those categories from the drop-down menu in the Parent of field.
If you would like to add a description, do so in the Description of field.
Click the Add New Category button.
You can also create a new category directly from the Post Editor
Find the Categories box on the right side of the page.
Click Add New Category.
Type a Name in the field provided.
Click the Create button.
Assign a Post to a Category
Open the Post Editor of the post you would like to categorize.
Find the Categories box on the right side of the page.
Select the category or categories you want associated with the post.
Click the Update button in the Publish box.
Delete a Category
Go to Theme Editor>Blog Options in the left menu.
Click the delete icon for the category you wish to delete.
In the confirmation box that opens, click OK to delete the category, or Cancel to go back to the Blog Options page without deleting it.
Manage Social Media Sharing
You can choose which social network icons show up in the Share sections of your published blog posts. Readers can click these icons to share the blog post to their own social media accounts.
Go to Theme Editor>Blog Options in the left menu.
Click on the Social Media Options tab.
Select the social networks that you would like to include share buttons for.
Click the Save Changes button. Changes will be applied to all published posts.
Maintain the Comment Section
You can manage blog comments for all blog posts from the Admin of your site.
Go to Theme Editor>Blog Options in the left menu.
Click on the Comments tab.
Each comment includes a few pieces of information.
From—includes the given name and email address of the commenter.
Comment—includes the first few words of the comment. You can approve, unapprove, reply, or mark as spam directly from this column.
In Response to—this column lists the title of the blog post that the comment was left on.
Submitted on—this gives the date and time when the comment was left.
Action—from here you can view or delete the comment.
The links directly under the Comments headline allow you to sort the comments.
All—shows all comments.
Pending—shows any comments pending approval. Pending comments do not show up on your live site.
Approved—shows only approved comments. Approved comments show up on your live site.
Spam—shows all comments designated as spam. These comments do not show up on your live site.
Trash—shows any deleted comments. These comments do not show up on your live site.
You can choose if you want comments to be approved automatically or manually. If you select this option, comments will only appear on the site after you approve them. If you do not select this option, comments will appear on the site as soon as they are made. Changes to this check box are saved automatically.
The Bulk Actions drop-down menu allows you to approve, unapprove, delete, or mark all selected comments as spam at one time. To use this function, first select the desired comments, choose the action from the drop-down menu, then click the Apply button.
Article is closed for comments.