You can customize the appearance of your site through color, font size and weight, and layout. In addition, you can also specify which page will be displayed as the front page of your site. This information can be found on the site General Options, Header Options, Footer Options and Other Options tabs.
Change the default Front page by opening the drop-down under the Front Page box and selecting a page. All pages of your website will be listed and available to select.
Note: If you select a page other than Home, this will be the starting point when your website is initially displayed. However, the Home selection from the Menu Header and Footer as well as clicking on your logo will still point to your defined Home page.
Note: Please do not change the Blog Page setting.
You may change the Layout of your website in the Layout Settings area of the tab. Click on the Layout box to show the 2 options: Boxed Layout and Full Width Layout. Full Width Layout is the default and displays your pages centered with no padding. Boxed Layout displays the website with padding around the main wrapper and your pages centered on a grey background.
To enter a Google Analytics Tracking ID, you must first setup a Google Analytics account. Once you have an account, you will be able to retrieve your code and enter it here.
Scroll to the bottom right of the page and select Save Setting to save your changes.
Select View Live Site in the upper right or refresh a currently open page to view your changes.
Note: The Quick CSS field is used to make other specific edits to your website that might not be readily available otherwise. This field will most likely be blank, but in some cases there will be defaulted code. Unless you are well versed in HTML, it is best to leave this field as is. Contact support at with any questions.
Header and Footer Options Tab
Here is where you can change the background color of your Header and Footer, as well as the font color and font size of the text. The Header and Footer Options are separate tabs, but contain the same fields.
Make sure you are on the Header Options or FooterOptions tab depending on which you would like to configure.
To change the Background Color, enter into the edit box the HEX code of the desired color, or you may click the small box located to the right in the edit box to pick a custom color using the color picker. The Background Color is defaulted to a color that complements your theme colors. Clearing the HEX code from the Background Color edit box will return the color to the default.
To change the Font Color, enter into the edit box the HEX code of the desired color, or you may click the small box located to the right in the edit box to pick a custom color using the color picker. The Font Color is defaulted to a color that complements your theme colors. Clearing the HEX code from the Font Color edit box will return the text color to the default.
The Hover Color is the color the linked text will turn when the mouse is hovering over it. To change the Hover Color, enter into the edit box the HEX code of the desired color, or you may click the small box located to the right in the edit box to pick a custom color using the color picker. The Hover Color is defaulted to a color that complements your theme colors. Clearing the HEX code from the Hover Color edit box will return the color to the default.
Change the Font Size by typing the desired size into the Font Size edit box. The Font Size must be a number followed by "px" as shown below. Delete all text from the box to return the Font Size to the default.
Scroll to the bottom right of the page and select Save Setting to save your changes.
Select View Live Site in the upper right or refresh a currently open page to view your changes.
Other Options
This tab allows you to configure font settings for all pages on your website. The options are separated into sections for Site Fonts, H1, H2, H3 and Paragraph. H1, H2, and H3 represent different Headings found on your site, where H1 is the most prominent heading on the page, followed by H2 and then H3. Paragraph represents the normal descriptive text usually found under a heading.
To change the Site Font, click on Select Font in the drop-down box to display a list of all available fonts. Select the desired font. This will change the font for all text displayed on your site. Return to the default font, by selecting --Select Font-- in the drop-down box.
Note: Sections H1, H2 and H3 contain 3 identical options: Color, Font Size and Font Weight. The Paragraph section contains only the options for Color and Font Size. The remaining instructions describe how to change each option and are valid for each of the sections H1, H2, H3 and Paragraph.
To change the Header Color, enter into the edit box the HEX code of the desired color, or you may click the small box located to the right in the edit box to pick a custom color using the color picker. The Header Color is defaulted to a color that complements your theme colors. Clearing the HEX code from the Header Color edit box will return the color to the default.
Change the Font Size by typing the desired size into the Font Size edit box. The Font Size must be a number followed by "px" as shown below. Delete all text from the box to return the Font Size to the default.
To change the Font Weight, click on the corresponding drop-down box to show the list of available font weights. This list consists of: normal, unset, lighter, bold, and bolder. Select from the list to change the Font Weight of the text displayed on your website. Return to the default setting by selecting --Select Font Weight-- from the drop-down box.
Scroll to the bottom right of the page and select Save Setting to save your changes.
Select View Live Site in the upper right or refresh a currently open page to view your changes.
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