The FCA™ and PBM™ work environment is designed to be efficient and intuitive for the user.
The Toolbar, Data Bar, and Status Bar can be hidden or displayed using the View menu.
Menu Bar
Click on any of the items in the Menu Bar for a drop-down list of dialog boxes or commands. Any menu item may also be accessed by pressing the Alt key and then tapping the underlined letter. For example, Alt+F will open the File menu. Tap the underlined letter of the command within the list to access the dialog box or to execute the command.
The Menu Bar can be detached from the program fame by clicking anywhere on the Menu Bar and dragging it with the mouse. Sometimes this can happen inadvertently. To reattach it if the Menu Bar is visible, click on View>Menu Bar and it will automatically reattach. If the Menu Bar is not visible on the screen, tap Alt+V+M and it will automatically reattach.
Data Bar
The Data Bar can be detached or restored using the View menu.
The Data Bar can be detached by clicking anywhere in the Data Bar and dragging it. If Data Bar is detached from the program, place the mouse pointer on the Title area of the Data Bar and double-click to reattach it. If it is not visible, click on View>Data Bar once to turn it off and then once again to turn it back on and it will be reattached automatically.
Position the pointer over an item in the Data Bar and a short explanation of the command will appear.