You may need to change rates for some payroll items, like insurance or union dues, or item limits, like 401K or Simple Deductions. This utility simplifies finding and changing these amounts.
Select Utilities>Payroll>Rates & Limits.
To Change Item Rates:
Select the desired Item from the drop-down list.
The first item in the list is ***Item Default***. This is the selected payroll item itself. All employees with the selected item are listed below. Adding a checkmark in the Hide Inactive box will suppress inactive employees. Rate amounts may be changed individually or may be replaced as a group.
Enter new Rate amounts for each employee as desired. For clients with many employees, use the Replace Rate function described below. To replace all occurrences of a Rate with a new amount, click the Replace Rate button.
Enter the current rate in the Find Value field.
Enter the new rate in the Replace With.
Edit the Effective Date as desired.
Click OK.
In the example in the screenshot above, the system will find all instances of 128.17 and replace them with 153.92. This is shown in the screenshot below.
To Change Item Limits:
Select the desired Item from the drop-down list.
Enter new Limit amounts for each employee as desired.
To replace all instances of a limit with a new amount click the Replace Limit button.
Enter the old limit in the Find Value field.
Enter the new limit in the Replace With field.
Click OK.
In the example shown in the screenshot above, the program will find all instances of 256.34 in the Item Limit field and replace them with 307.84. This is shown in the screenshot below.
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