Enter invoices for non repetitive billing amounts. Invoice Items and Sales Tax items must be setup prior to entering invoices.
To Enter Non-repetitive Billing
- Select Activities>Enter Receivable Invoices.
- Enter an invoice number in the Number field.
- Enter the invoice date in the Date field.
- Enter the Contact Lookup or select a Contact from the drop-down list in the Contact field.
- Enter a description in the Memo field. This description will print on the statement.
- Enter the Lookup for the desired item or select it from the drop-down list in the Item field.
- The program will populate the Type, Account, Description, Qty and Tax fields based
on the setup for the Invoice item.
- Leave 1.00 in the Qty field or enter the desired quantity.
- Enter the amount in the Price or Amount field.
- Select the appropriate tax area from the drop-down list, if applicable, or leave Exempt in the Tax field.
- Change the A/R Account if necessary.
- Use the enter key to continue or click New to save this entry and start a new invoice.
The invoice in the following screenshot will print on the A/R statement as one single line item with the description of Installation and Backwork with an amount of 1325.00. To show charges for Installation and Backwork as separate items on the statement, enter them as separate invoices.
If the value for the option Auto new entry is set to Yes, the program will save the existing invoice and start a new one after the A/R Account field is entered through.
If an invoice item is taxable, the system will use the invoice date to calculate the sales tax based on the effective rate from Setup/Sales Tax.
Enter Receivables Invoices Options
Invoice Client Tab—The Invoice Client tab contains options for the user that apply only to the particular client that is open.
Invoice System Tab—The Invoice System tab contains options for the user that apply to all clients.
Default Move (System)
- Default—The window will always open for a new transaction.
- First—The window will always open to the first transaction for the period covered (see Options>View Period) in numeric order.
- Last—The window will always open to the last transaction for the period covered (see Options> View Period) in numeric order.
- New—The window will always open for a new transaction.
Always Ask Before Saving (System)
- Yes—A dialog box will open with the options Yes, No, or Cancel every time before advancing to enter a new transaction.
- No—The transaction will be saved automatically when advancing to enter a new transaction.
Ask Before Adding Contacts (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—When a name is entered in the Contact field that does not match the Lookup for any contact in the Contact Manager, a dialog box is presented asking if you want to add the contact. If you click No, the name in the Contact field will be cleared.
- No—When a name is entered in the Contact field that does not match the Lookup for any contact in the Contact Manager, the program creates a new contact for the name automatically, without asking.
Edit New Contacts (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—Opens the Contact Manager window so that additional information can be filled out for the new contact.
- No—The Contact Manager window will not be opened when a new contact is created.
- Exception: If the user does not have permission to access the Contact Manager, the Contact Manager dialog box will not open.
View Period (Both)
The option selected controls what invoices will be displayed in the List , as well as the invoices that can be accessed in the window when scrolling through the invoices using the Data Bar commands.
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Accounting Year to Date—Includes all invoices for the current accounting year.
- All—All invoices.
- Current Accounting Period—Includes all invoices within the current accounting period.
- Last 30 days—Includes all invoices with dates within 30 days up to the current date.
- Last 60 days—Includes all invoices with dates within 60 days up to the current date.
- Last 90 days—Includes all invoices with dates within 90 days up to the current date.
- Last Year—Includes all invoices with dates within the last calendar year.
- Year to Date—Includes all invoices with dates within the current calendar year.
Automatic New Entry (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—Automatically creates a new transaction when a row is entered, but an account is not entered or selected.
- No—Continues to create new record rows even if no data is entered on a row.
View By Receivable Account (Client)
- Yes—When set to Yes, only invoices written on the A/R Account selected at the top of the window will be shown in the List or in the window when scrolling through the invoices using the icons on the Data Bar.
- No—When set to No, all invoices written on any A/R Account will be shown in the List or in the window when scrolling through the invoices using the icons on the Data Bar. When scrolling, the A/R Account will change to the account that the invoice was written on.
Auto Increment Number (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—Starts the next invoice with a Number that is one higher than the last invoice recorded. The Number can be overwritten when breaks in numbering occur.
- No—Starts the next invoice with a blank Number field.
Remember Date (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—Defaults to the date of the last invoice written.
- No—Defaults to the current date.
Default Receivable Account (Client)
Select the account to be selected in the A/R Account field when the Invoice window opens.
- [Account#]—When a specific account is selected from a list of receivable type accounts, the window will always open with that specific account selected at the A/R Account.
- Last—When Last is selected, the window will always open to the A/R Account that was used last.
Default Tax Area (Client)
Select the Tax Area account to be selected in the Tax field a detail row is started.
- [Area]—When a specific Tax Area is selected from the list, the detail row will always open with that specific area selected in the Tax field. The default may be overwritten during data entry.
- Exempt—When Exempt is selected, the detail rows will always default to tax emempt.
Warn when date not in period (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—A dialogue box will open with a warning when an invoice is being saved with a date that is not consistent with the period.
- No—Does not present a date warning.
Posting Method (Client)
- By Date—Causes the invoice to be posted to the appropriate period based on the invoice date.
- Current Period—Causes the invoice to post to the open period, regardless of the invoice date.
Remember Last Invoice Number (Both)
- Default—Uses the setting on the System tab.
- Yes—The system will remember the last invoice number that was saved and populate the Number field with the next number when the window is opened.
- No—The Number field will be blank when the window is opened.
Reports tab
Click on the Insert button to insert an Invoice report in the window. You must select an invoice report that has - Last in the report name to preview or print the last invoice which was saved. Click on the Preview icon in the toolbar to preview the report or the Print icon to print the report. To print a range of invoices by date or invoice number select Reports>Report List.
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