Use Deposit to record or create a bank deposit. If you are posting accounts receivable payments, see the Accounts Receivable Manual for detailed instructions.
Select Activities>Deposit.
Use the Data Bar at the top of the Deposit dialog box for common commands.
Click the icon on the Deposit Data Bar or select Edit>Commands>Screen Options.
menu when the Deposit window is open.
See Deposit Options for options available in the Deposit window.
Bank Account—Select the desired bank account.
Note: Only accounts with Type Checking appear in the drop-down list.
Undeposited Funds Account—Select the account that the amounts will post to when a specific account is not selected for each deposited item (see Account below). In this mode, the Undeposited Funds Account will only be used when an Account is not selected for a deposit item.
- Example 1—If the Custom Journal or Daily Book is used to record deposited amounts, AND the Deposit window is used to generate the deposit, post the deposits to a clearing account in the Custom Journal or Daily Book then select the clearing account for the Undeposited Funds Account for the Deposit window. The Account and Description columns should be removed from the input window using Column Configuration.
- Example 2—If deposits are always posted to the same sales account, select this sales account for the Undeposited Funds Account. The Account and Description columns should be removed from the input window using Column Configuration.
- Example 3—If the Custom Journal or Daily Book is not used to reconcile cash, and deposits are posted to multiple sales accounts, include the Account and Description columns in the input window. In this case, select a cash-on-hand account for the Undeposited Funds Account. It will only be used when an item is not posted to a specific account.
Balance—This is the balance in the selected bank account.
Number—This is the deposit number.
- Leave Next Number to have the system create sequential numbers for deposits.
- Select Print if the deposit slip is going to be printed. The system will create a sequential deposit number when the deposit slip is printed.
- Enter any number desired for the deposit. The number can include any alphanumeric characters (letters or numbers).
Date—If you are recording a manually written deposit for a prior date, use this field to change the date. For deposits that will be printed, you can also leave the system-assigned date, since the date used will be the date at the time of printing.
Memo field—Enter a description that will reference the deposit.
Received From—Select the contact name from the drop-down list or type in a new contact. A new contact will be added to the contact list depending upon the Deposit Options selected.
Account—Enter or select the account in the drop-down list that the amount will post to. This is usually a sales, accounts receivable, or cash clearing account.
Description—The account Name for the Account selected. This is generated by the computer and cannot be changed.
Amount—Enter the amount for the item.
Memo—Record a memo for the item, if desired.
Number—Use this field to record the payer's check number, if desired.
Payment Method—If desired, this field is used to record whether the item is a check, cash, money order, etc.
Note: If any of the columns listed above are not visible, use Column Configuration to display it. If you will never use a particular column, use Column Configuration to hide that column.
New—Click the New button to save the deposit and start a new one.
Cancel—Click the Cancel button to close the window without saving the entered information.
Deposit—The Deposit total at the lower right of the window shows the running total of all deposit items.
Deposit Options
Click the icon on the Data Bar or select Edit>Commands> Screen Options when the Deposit window is open.
Default Move (Both)
- Default—The window will always open for a new transaction.
- First—The window will always open to the first transaction for the covered period (see Option>View Period) in numeric order.
- Last—The window will always open to the last transaction for the period covered (see Option>View Period) in numeric order.
- New—The window will always open for a new transaction.
Always Ask Before Saving (Both)
- Yes—Opens a dialog box with the options Yes, No, or Cancel before advancing to enter a new deposit.
- No—Saves Deposit automatically when advancing to enter a new transaction.
Ask Before Adding Contacts (Both)
- Yes—When a name is entered in the Contact field that does not match the Lookup for any contact in the Contact Manager, a dialog box is presented asking if you want to add the contact. If you click No, the name in the Contact field will be cleared.
- No—When a name is entered in the Contact field that does not match the Lookup for any contact in the Contact Manager, the program creates a new contact for the name automatically, without asking.
Exception: If the user does not have User Permission to access the Contact Manager, the new contact will not be added.
Edit New Contacts (Both)
- Yes—Opens the Contact Manager window so that additional information can be filled out for the new contact.
- No—The Contact Manager window will not be opened when a new contact is created.
Exception: If the user does not have permission to access the Contact Manager, the Contact Manager dialog box will not open. The check cannot be issued to a payee that is not a current contact.
View Period (Both)
The selected options control what deposit will be displayed in the List , as well as which deposits can be accessed in the window when scrolling through the deposits, using the Data Bar commands.
- Accounting Year to Date—Includes all deposits for the current accounting year.
- All—Includes all deposits.
- Current Accounting Period—Includes all deposits within the current accounting period.
- Last 30 days—Includes all deposits with dates within 30 days of the current date.
- Last 60 days—Includes all deposits with dates within 60 days of the current date.
- Last 90 days—Includes all deposits with dates within 90 days of the current date.
- Last Year—Includes all deposits with dates within the last calendar year.
- Year to Date—Includes all deposits with dates within the current calendar year.
View By Bank Account (Both)
- Yes—When set to Yes, only deposits written on the bank account selected at the top of the window will be shown in the List or in the window when scrolling through the deposits using the Move Previous and Move Next icons on the Data Bar.
- No—When set to No, all deposits written on any bank account will be shown in the List or in the window when scrolling through the deposits using the Move Previous and Move Next icons on the Data Bar. When scrolling, the bank account will change to the account that the deposit was written on.
Skip Undeposited Funds Account (Both)
- Yes—Causes the cursor to stop in the Undeposited Funds Account field when you are using the Enter or Tab keys to navigate.
- No—Causes the cursor to skip the Undeposited Funds Account field when you are using the Enter or Tab keys to navigate. When this option is set to No, click the field to access it.
Remember Date (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the date of the last deposit written.
- No—Defaults to the current date.
Autofill Account (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the account entered on the previous item of the transaction.
- No—Each new item is created with a blank Account field.
Autofill Amount (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the amount entered on the previous item of the transaction.
- No—Each new item is created with a blank Amount field.
Autofill Memo (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the memo entered on the previous item of the transaction.
- No—Each new item is created with a blank Memo field.
Autofill Number (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the number entered on the previous item of the transaction.
- No—Each new item is created with a blank Number field.
Autofill Payment Method (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the payment method entered on the previous item of the transaction.
- No—Each new item is created with a blank Payment Method field.
Autofill Received From (Both)
- Yes—Defaults to the payor entered on the previous item of the deposit.
- No—Each new item is created with a blank Received field.
Default Checking Account (Both)
Select the account that will always be selected in the Bank Account field when the Deposit window opens.
- [Specific Account]—A list of checking type accounts will appear. If an account is selected, the window will always open to that account.
- Last Used—When Last Used is selected, the window will always open to the account that was used last.
Default Undeposited Funds Account (Both)
Select the account that always be selected in the Undeposited Funds Account field when the Deposit window opens.
- [Specific Account]—A list of accounts will appear. If an account is selected, it will be the Undeposited Funds Account that the window will always open to.
- Last Used—When Last Used is selected, the window will always open to the Undeposited Funds Account that was used last.
Warn When Date Not in Period (Both)
- Yes—Warns in a dialog box if a check is being saved with a date that is not consistent
with the period.
- No—Does not present a date warning.
Edit Mode (Both)
- Bank—If the Accounts Receivable feature of the program is NOT being used, select this option when entering deposits.
- Receivable—This option must be selected when posting payments received on an account for the Accounts Receivable feature. The column AR Payment Type will be added to the input grid, and a Net Offset Account selection box will be added to the top of the window.
Use Received From for Memo (Both)
- Yes—Repeats the Contact selected in the Received From field in the Memo field.
- No—Does not repeat the Contact selected in the Received From field in the Memo field.
Default AR Payment Type (Deposit Client)
- [Specific AR Payment Item]—A list of AR payment items will appear. If an item is selected each row will default to the select AR Payment item.
- Non-AR—When Non-AR is selected, an invoice item will not be associated with the payment record and it will not appear in any Accounts Receivable reports.
Default Memo (Deposit Client)
- The description entered here will appear in the Memo field of each new row. It can be overwritten if desired.
Default Payment Method (Deposit Client)
- The description entered here will appear in the Payment Method field of each new row. It can be overwritten if desired.
Reports Tab
Click on the Insert button to insert a Deposit slip report on the window. Select the desired report and click OK.
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