The Daily Books window is often used to record cash in and cash out for each day; however, it can be used to reconcile cash on a per-shift, weekly or other basis. It can also be used for a variety of other processing applications.
Select Activities>Daily Books.
Each Daily Book template consists of Titles, Accounts, and Totals. Once the template is set up, enter the appropriate values on each line. All items recorded are automatically posted to the correct ledger account. The amount showing at the bottom right of the window is the over or short, for the page. This value will post to the Auto Balance Account that is defined for the template.
How to Define a New Template
- With the Daily Books window open, select Edit>Commands at the top of the program, then select New Item from the drop-down list of commands. The dialog box in the screenshot below will open.

- Enter a name for the template
- Select the Auto Balance Account. The Auto Balance Account is the account that the calculated Total (found in the bottom right corner of the window) will post to. It is important to note the natural balance of the Classification of the Auto Balance Account. Current Assets have a Debit natural balance while Current Liabilities have a Credit natural balance. All amounts added to the page Total will be added to the natural balance side.
- Enter a Default Memo if desired. This default will fill in the Memo field at the top of the Daily Book page and be printed in the description field on the Detail General Ledger and many other reports.
- Click OK to create the new template OR select Load From to copy a template that is already set up in another file. Load From copies all items in a template from another client file unless the template being copied from includes an account(s) that does not exist in the file being copied to, in which case that item(s) would be skipped.
If a Daily Book Template was Loaded from an Existing File
- The program will prompt you to close the new Daily Book window.
- To reopen this window, select Activities>Daily Book, then select the template that was just created in the Template field of the Daily Book window.
- Delete an unneeded account row by highlighting the row and clicking the Remove Row
icon at the top of the window.
- Insert an additional row by placing the cursor on the row below where you want the new row to appear. Next, click the Insert Row
icon at the top of the window. Set the Action on the new row by using the Action on a similar row in the same section as a guide. Please review the following section for more information about inserting Title, Total, and Account rows.
If a Daily Book Template was Not Loaded from Another Company
Total items must be inserted before Account items. Title items can be inserted at any time. Before entering Total items, determine which totals are required, then create them in a bottom-up order.
The following steps must be taken to create Total items for the Income template shown below.
- Click the Insert Row icon in the tool bar for the Template Item Editor dialog box (below). If it is necessary to edit the item later, use the Edit Row

- Select Total for the Type. In the Description field, type in the desired label for the Total item and select the Action for the row. It is necessary to create Total items before creating subtotal items (items that add to or subtract from a Total item) or Account items. Since some of the Total items add to another Total item, the item being added to or subtracted from needs to be available before the item can be created. Items can be rearranged in the window any time after they have been inserted. Following is the order that the Total items were inserted in the example above, and the Action that was selected for each Total item:
- Total to account for (cash in)—Adds to Total.
- Total accounted for (cash out)—Subtracts from Total.
- Total sales—Adds to Total to account for.
- Total Deposits—Adds to Total accounted for.
- Total cash paid out—Adds to Total accounted for.
- Total exempt sales—Adds to Total sales.
- Total taxable sales—Adds to Total sales.
Note: Since the Total of the Daily Book transaction will post to the natural balance of the Auto Balance Account, all accounts that eventually add to the Total (Adds to Total) will post to the other side. For example: If the Auto Balance Account is an Expense account, then the Total will be a Debit entry. Therefore, all accounts that add directly or eventually add to Total (Adds to Total) will be posted as Credit entries. Use Subtracts from Total if the desired posting is to be a Debit.
- After the Total items have been inserted, insert the Accounts.

- Select the Account and the Action for each account item inserted.
- Enter a Description if something other than the account title is desired. This field is for data entry reference purposes only and will not print in the General Ledger or Daily Book reports.
- Enter a Memo if desired. This Memo will carry forward to the Detail Memo field on the transaction. This can also be useful for reconciling deposits in the Bank Reconciliation screen as it will appear in the Memo field of the outstanding grid.

- Any row can be moved up or down using the Move
icons in the tool bar. Items can also be moved up and down by holding the Shift key while pressing the Up or Down keys.
- Hide or skip any columns that are not required for data entry using the Column Configuration tool.
- With the template created, open the Daily Book window and select the desired Template from the drop-down list.
- Enter a Number to identify the page. This could be the day of the month.
- Enter the Date that the page relates to.
- Enter a Memo for the page, if desired.
- When all amounts are entered in the Income Template illustrated here, you will have a reconciliation of cash for the day. The remainder (amount unaccounted for) will display as the Total and will post to the account selected as the Auto Balance Account for the template.

Accumulate Detail
To use the Detail grid to process random items such as a shoe box of receipts, click on the Accum Detail button at the bottom of the window or press Shift+F4. The first time the Accumulate Detail grid is used for a client, remove unneeded columns using Column Configuration.
- Enter each item on a separate line in the right detail grid. When the window is saved, all items will be combined into the appropriate row of the left Daily Book grid.
- If an account is listed more than once in the left Daily Book grid, the detail amounts will be applied to the first row for the account in the left grid.
- If a value for an account has been entered in the left grid and additional amounts for the account are entered in the right grid, then the sum of the amounts for the account will be added to the amount on the left when the window is saved.

Summarize Detail
When Summarize Detail is selected, a confirmation dialog box will open when the window is saved. You will have the option to Summarize, Print & Summarize, or Don't Summarize.

- Summarize—All details will be summarized into the left grid and detail records will be deleted. This will keep the General Ledger (GL) clean of the detail records; however, there is no ability to see what detail items were entered after the summarization. To keep the detail out of the GL, consider doing the summarization after all input is complete.
- Print and Summarize—Before all details are summarized, the information entered into the right grid will print.
- Don't Summarize—All detail will be summarized into the left grid; however, the detail records (where more than one record for an account exists) will remain in the right grid and be included in the GL.
Calculate Book Amounts
- When selected, the Book Totals (accumulated total of all pages for the template) will calculate when a page is saved or when a new page is started.
- If not selected, the Book Totals will not calculate until the Calculate box is checked. If there are multiple pages, it is faster to calculate Book Totals after all pages have been entered.
Running Total
- This is the running total of all the amounts in the Accumulate Detail grid.
Print Daily Book
To print the left Daily Book grid as it appears, click Print Daily Book. Set the Print Offset option (found by clicking the Options icon at the top of the Daily Book window) to a higher number to increase the printed column width and decrease the number to decrease the width.
Note: The printout from this page is designed for internal office use. It is not the same as the formal print format found through Reports>Report List reports.
Print Detail
Click Print Detail (when right detail grid is open) to print the detail grid as it appears. Set the Print Offset option to a higher number to increase the printed column width and decrease the number to decrease the width.
Daily Book Options
Click the
icon on the Data Bar or select Screen Options from the Edit>Commands menu when the Custom Journal window is open.
Default Move
- Default—The window will always open for a new transaction.
- First—The window will always open to the first transaction for the period covered (see Option View Period) in numeric order.
- Last—The window will always open to the last transaction for the period covered in numeric order.
- New—The window will always open always open for a new transaction.
Always Ask Before Saving
- Yes—Presents a dialog box with the options Yes, No, or Cancel before advancing to a new page.
- No—Saves the page automatically when advancing to a new page.
View Period
The option selected controls what pages will be displayed in the List
, as well as the pages that can be accessed in the window when scrolling through the pages, using the Data Bar commands.
- Accounting Year to Date—Includes all pages for the current accounting year.
- All—Includes all pages.
- Current Accounting Period—Includes all pages within the current accounting period.
- Last 30 days—Includes all pages with dates within 30 days up to the current date.
- Last 60 days—Includes all pages with dates within 60 days up to the current date.
- Last 90 days—Includes all pages with dates within 90 days up to the current date.
- Last Year—Includes all pages with dates within the last calendar year.
- Year to Date—Includes all pages with dates within current calendar year up to today's date.
Remember Date
- Yes—Defaults to the date of the last page written.
- No—Defaults to the current date.
Print Offset
Due to printer variations, column widths do not print the same as they look on the screen. Use Print Offset to adjust for these differences. Increase the number to increase the printed column width and decrease the number to decrease the width. Once this is set for your system, columns will print as they appear on your screen.
Accumulate Detail
- Open With Detail Only—Only entries made in the Accumulate Detail window on this page will be displayed when it is opened.
- Open With All—All entries posted on this page will be displayed when the Accumulate Detail window is opened.
Open with Book Total Calc
- Yes—The Calculate Book Amounts option on the bottom of the window will be selected by default.
- No—The Calculate Book Amounts option on the bottom of the window will be unchecked by default.
Warn when date not in period
- Yes—Opens a warning in a dialog box if a check is being saved with a date that is not consistent
with the period.
- No—Does not present a date warning.
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