A payroll form may be set up in the Virtual Office™ where your client can maintain employee information and payroll hours each pay period. You can import information from the VO Payroll Form into FCA™ to optimize payroll processing.
Importing Payroll from the VO Payroll Forms
Log in to the Virtual Office.
Select Payroll Forms from the Dashboard.
Click the desired Company to open the payroll forms.
Click the Lock for Processing button to lock the file. This prevents the client from making changes while you are processing the payroll.
Review the Payroll Master form. Check for Comments from the client, review Employee Changes at the bottom of the window.
To print a copy of the Master Payroll Form, click the Menu icon and click Print Friendly Page.
Close the Print Friendly Page window.
Click the Menu Icon and select Export Data.
Click Export to FCA and PBM.
Click Download File. Save the file in the desired location and click Finish.
To import to FCA or PBM:
Open the desired Company in FCA.
Select Activities>Import VO Payroll.
Find and open the desired export file.
Check for Invalid Employees and make corrections as needed. The following scenarios will cause an employee to show as invalid:
The Employee Lookup and Social Security Number are inconsistent between FCA and the VO. To enable the import, change the first string of characters in the Lookup field on the Contact tab in FCA to match the Employee No./ID in the VO. Verify that there are no blank spaces after the Lookup in FCA.
Pay records have been exported from the VO this period for an employee that is not set up in FCA. To fix this, open the employee record in the VO and click Mark As New. Export data from the VO again.
Employee data is being imported to an employee in FCA that has been marked inactive. The Inactive check mark must be removed from the employee contact record before the file can be imported.
You are attempting to import a duplicate Portal ID
Click Refresh to update the import information after corrections are made.
Map the Payroll Items and Departments.
Select Print to print a report of New employees to import, if applicable.
Select Print to print a report of Invalid employees, if applicable.
Select Combine lookup with name, if desired.
Checked—The Lookup will be the VO Employee No./ID followed by the Name.
Unchecked—The Lookup will be the same as the VO Employee No./ID.
Select Import Emps.
Click OK when the import of the data file is complete.
Note: Once the import is complete, the import file will be updated, and employees will be marked as imported. If it is necessary to import employee information a second time, create a new export file from the VO.
Edit withholding and bank information for new and updated employees as needed. Any changes to automatic deductions, such as garnishments, should be edited at this time.
Go back to the Import VO Payroll window if necessary and click the Import Payroll button. It will be accessible if all employees have been imported and updated successfully.
Create payroll checks. This can be done one at a time using the Activities>Quick Check window or automatically using the Create Checks button. You can also create some checks one at a time, such as those for newly-created employees, while the rest can be imported automatically using the Create Checks button.
Note: Checks should be created one at a time for new clients until the import has worked without error at least once.
One at a Time Method
Open Activities>Quick Check - Payroll and advance through the creation of payroll checks normally. The only difference is that all data imported from the VO will already be entered along with any data from the employee's Payroll Template. It just needs to be reviewed and accepted before advancing to the next employee.
Automatically Create Checks
Click the Create Checks button.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are processing a payroll with tipped employees, the Wage Check Mode option on the Quick Check Client tab MUST NOT BE set to Prompt. It MUST be set to Add to Wages or Add to Tips.
Edit the information in the following dialog box as required. Make sure that it is going to the correct Bank Account, that the pay period dates are correct, and that the date for the paychecks is correct.
Click OK.
Read the text in the next dialog box and click OK.
Note: While the checks are being imported, the screen will look somewhat scrambled. This is normal. Just wait until the process has completed.
When all the checks have been created, a dialog box will open. Click OK.
If all checks were created, this is the end of the check creation process. The Quick Check screen will be left open with the last created check in view. Scroll through the paychecks, if desired.
If the dialog box shown in the screenshot below opens, this means that one or more employees (whose Lookup will be listed in the dialog box) did not have a check created for them because the resulting check would have been negative. Make note of the employees listed in the dialog box and click OK. The checks for these employees will need to be created manually. Use the pay information on the VO payroll forms for these employees to obtain the pay data.
Print or preview the payroll reports and compare them to the information on the VO payroll forms.
Complete the payroll according to your office procedures.
Return to the Master Payroll Form in the Virtual Office and click the Close Payroll button to set the form for the next payroll period.
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