Customer contact information can be set up and maintained manually, or it can be synchronized with information on the Company tab in a WriteUp or Payroll file in FCAS™ or PBM™. The Sync With AR Client option on the Setup>Company Information>Accounting tab in the Write Up or Payroll file must be set to yes for the information to be imported. Imported information will overwrite existing contact information. All updates to customer information for synchronized contacts should be done in the Client Write Up or Payroll file.
For complete Accounts Receivable information, see the Accounts Receivable Manual.
To synchronize customer contact information:
Select Activities>Sync Contacts.
Click the Browse button and find the desired Data folder.
If Write Up and Payroll files are in separate installations of the program, you may import from both installation. The imports will be completed in the order listed in the Path grid. If a client exists in more than one installation and is set to sync from all installations, the information from the last import is what will be saved.
Select the appropriate fields from the drop-down list in the Map To column. Select Ignore or leave the Map To field blank for any fields which will not be imported.
The Contact Information field names refer to fields on the Company tab in Setup>Company Information.
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