Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Write Up
Use the Checks window to enter bank, cash, or credit card account activity reported to you by the client. Imported check transactions can be viewed or edited here. This window is NOT intended to be used to enter checks to be printed. Activities>Quick Check is designed for payroll check writing and for recording daily bank account activity. Select Write Up>Checks. Bank Account—Select the bank account that checks will be entered to. Checking type accounts will always open in the drop-down list. Depending on the Options selected, Cash, Credit Cards Payable, and/or Accounts Payable type accounts may also be available for selection depending on the settings in Options. Balance—The balance in the selected bank account. Check Type—Select the type of transaction from the list. Deposit to record a deposit. General to record a general check. Payroll (ATF) to record a payroll check that the client has already written. Live payroll checks are written using Activities>Quick Check. Withdrawal to record a deduction that is not a check. Number—Enter the check number. Date—Enter the date the client wrote the check. If you enter the date as mmddyy it will be converted to mm/dd/yyyy. If you enter the date as mmdd it will be converted to mm/dd/yyyy with the year being the year of the client current accounting period. If you enter the date as dd it will be converted to mm/dd/yyyy using the month and year of the client current accounting period. Pay to the order of—Select the payee from the drop-down list, or start typing characters until the correct payee opens and then press Enter or Tab or to accept. If entering a payee that does not have a record in the Company Contacts, a dialog box may open to ask if you want to add the contact (This will depend on the Option selected for Ask Before Adding New Contacts). Click Yes to add a new contact record for the payee. Depending on the option selected for Edit New Contact, other information can be completed for the contact. Clicking No will remove the payee's name from the Pay to the order of field. It is not possible to enter a check with a Pay to the order of name that is not a contact. Val Code—This field is active, depending on the setting selected for Validate Contact. Validation codes are used to verify that the proper vendor has been selected when recording a check. This can be helpful when the client has several vendors with similar names, in which case, it helps prevent a check being recorded to the wrong vendor. Set up the validation code in the Val Code field on the Contact Vendor Tab. Unlabeled box—The box under the Date field is the total of the check and functions differently depending on the Validate Amount option. Memo—Enter a description for the transaction. This description will print in the general ledger reports for all accounts associated with this transaction. Disbursement area—This is the grid in the lower portion of the window. It is used to post the check to one or more GL accounts. Columns can also be hidden from view and rearranged using Column Configuration. Account—Enter the desired Account Lookup or select from the drop-down list. You may not select the account which is selected in the Bank Account field at the top of the window. Description—The account name is displayed in this field and cannot be changed. Reference—An invoice or PO number may be entered here if desired. Amount—Enter the amount to be posted to the selected account. If the Check Type is General Check or Withdrawal, a positive amount will be posted as a debit. If the Check Type is Deposit a positive amount will be posted as a credit. If the Check Type is Payroll(ATF) the Payroll Item Type will determine whether the amount will post as a debit or credit. Qty—Enter the quantity associated with the amount in this line. The Track Qty box in Setup>Accounts must be checked on the account this line is posting to. Memo—Enter a description for this amount. This description will print in the general ledger reports only for the account this line is posting to. Deposit (Memo)—The amount entered in this field will only affect the Balance(Memo) field in Activities>View Check Register and some check register reports. This field is used to reconcile the client's checkbook balance to the reconciled account balance. Dist—Enter the Distribution Lookup defined on the Distributions tab. The program will create entries for the selected client. When that company file is opened entries can be automatically posted to the correct expense and inter-company transfer accounts. Click here for detailed instructions regarding distributions. New—Saves the current check and clears the window for the next check entry. Cancel—Opens a dialog box asking the user to save the check or cancel any changes. Check Total—Displays the calculated total of the check. Click the icon on the Data Bar or select Edit>Commands>Screen Options. Check Client Tab—The Check Client tab contains options for the user that apply only to the particular client that is open. Check System Tab—The Check System tab contains options for the user that apply to all clients. Default Move (System) Edit New Contacts (Both) The option selected controls what checks will be displayed in the List button, as well as the checks that can be accessed in the window when scrolling through the checks using the Data Bar commands. Select the account to be selected in the Bank Account field when the Check window opens. Enter hours in the Time field if the employees' time is in hours and minutes or minutes rather than hours and fractions of hours. The Qty field will automatically show the hours in fractions of hours based on the Time entered. Warn Duplicate Check (Both) Distributions are used when a client owns more than one company, with each company being a separate file, when the client writes checks for expenses from one company's checkbook for expenses belonging to the other companies. When checks are entered, select or enter the expense account for the other company in the Account field and enter the Lookup for the other company in the Dist field. The checking account for the company the check is entered in will be credited with the amount and the intercompany transfer account that has been identified on the Distribution tab will be debited. As soon as the first Distribution record is entered, a flag is set in the receiving company indicating that the distribution has been made. The Distribution column is hidden by default. Change the Column Configuration to display it. Enter all checks for the company with the checkbook, making distributions as needed to other companies for the entire period. When processing for the period is complete, close the company file and open the first company for which distributions have been made. A dialog box will immediately open showing that distributions are ready to be imported. This dialog box will have information as to which period the checks were recorded in and which period the receiving company is currently in which is the period where the distribution will be recorded. IMPORTANT: When the dialog box opens, it is likely that the period indicated on the Status line is not for the newly-opened company. Pay close attention to the information on the Distributions dialog box. If the company being opened is not in the correct period, then cancel the action by clicking No. Close into the proper period, then close the company file, then reopen. Look at the example in the screenshot above. Assuming that both companies are calendar year companies with the same period type (Monthly, etc.), the receiving company is still in February while the distributing company is in March. This being the case, the following steps should be taken: When subsequent distributions are made for a period (i.e. all the distributions were made for the period and then another check which needed to be distributed was entered) any previous distribution transaction for the period will be automatically deleted and a new transaction will be made depending on the current setting (Summarized or Individual Transactions) for the entire period. Missing accounts—The same Account Code for the intercompany transfer account must exist in both the distributing and receiving companies. If the same Account Code does not exist, a dialog box will open asking for corrections to be made before the distribution can be completed. Any expense accounts that are not existing in the receiving company will automatically be created during the import as will any missing contacts.
Checks Options
Always Ask Before Saving (System)
Ask Before Adding Contacts (Both)
Exception: If the user does not have User Permission to access the Contact Manager, the new contact will not be added.
Exception: When the user does not have permission to access Company Contacts, the window will not open and the check cannot be issued to a payee that is not a current contact.
View Period (Both)
Automatic New Entry (Both)
View By Bank Account (Client)
Validate Amount (Both)
Validate Contact (Both)
Skip Contact (Both)
Skip Date (Both)
Skip Memo (Both)
Auto Increment Number (Both)
Remember Date (Both)
Default Checking Account (Client)
Fed ATF Tax Mode - After-the-fact payroll only (Both)
State ATF Tax Mode - After-the-fact payroll only (Both)
Warn when date not in period (Both)
Enter Time Mode (Client)
Include Cash Type Account (Both)
Include Accounts Payable Type Account (Both)
Include Credit Cards Payable Type Account (Both)
Show Account Hash Total (Both)
Show Check Hash Total (Both)
Distributions Tab
To Set Up Distributions
To Enter Checks Using Distributions
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