Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Exports
UltraTax™ is the registered trademark of Thomson Reuters©. Note: Since you can map any file for any or all available business types just by setting the Business Type on the Setup>Options>Accounting tab, you may want to map your company standard client file for all types and then import the mapping into each actual client file. Type in the Path for the export file or use the Windows file dialog box by clicking on the Click OK. If you have already completed the mapping in another client file for the same business type as the one you are currently doing, you can import the mapping: Click the Select Client button. Highlight the file from the list of company files on your system in the drop-down list that appears. Click the Load From Client button. The only accounts that will be mapped are the accounts from the source company that have matching account Lookups in your current company file. Review and make sure all mappings are correct. Map all accounts that remain unmapped. If you are not loading data from another client file or for accounts that were not mapped, enter the applicable Tax Code from the drop-down list of available codes for each account in your file. If you do not want to export data for an account, select Ignore from the list. The Tax Description and Form columns are completed by the program to help you understand where on the tax return the data for each account will be going. Click the checkbox in the Detail column if you do not want the data in the selected account to be combined with data in other accounts that have the same account Description. If you do not select Detail, then all accounts that have the same Description and which are mapped to the same Tax Code will be combined. You can click the Save icon at the top of the window at any time to save what you have mapped. When all accounts have been mapped and you are ready to create the export file, click the Export button. A file suitable for import into your UltraTax software will be created with the Client ID as the filename in the path you defined in steps 2 and 4 above. Click the Delete Mapping button to clear all of Tax Code selections. Note: Select Cancel before saving any changes to close the window and retain the original mapping. Click the Print Mapping button to print the Export UltraTax mapping. Click the Print Tax Codes button to print the complete list of Tax Codes available in UltraTax. The printed list will include the Tax Code, Tax Description, and Form information. Click Print Tax Groups to print a quick report of all accounts sorted by and totaled by Tax Code. If the printed columns widths are not lined up how you would like, click the Options icon The following is from a Help topic in Creative Solutions UltraTax: Choose Utilities>Third Party>Dillner’s FCAS (Import) to open the Dillner’s FCA™ (Import) dialog box, in which you can import Dillner’s FCA data into the open UltraTax/1040, 1120, 1065, or 990 client.
Tax Software>UltraTax
Export Account Balances to be Imported into UltraTax Software
The following Business Types are supported:
Delete Mapping
Print Mapping
Print Tax Codes
Print Tax Groups
at the top of the Export UltraTax window and change the Print Offset. Increase the number to increase the printed column width and decrease the number to decrease the width.
Example of Mapping for a C Corp
Importing into UltraTax
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