The FCA™ import is primarily used for setting up a new company. It may also be used to import specific items into an existing company.
Select File>Imports>Full Contact Accounting.
Select the desired record types to import.
Select the desired contact types to import.
Set the action to take when a duplicate record is found. See an explanation of import rules below.
Select the desired Source Company.
Click OK to import.
A "Not Responding" message in the Windows Task Manager does not mean that the program is not working. A dialog box will open when the process is complete. DO NOT end the task or interrupt the import.
Import Rules
Imports GL Accounts.
If there are already GL Accounts in the FCA™ file that have the same Lookup as accounts in the file being imported, the matching accounts will not be imported.
Imports all client specific settings, options, column configurations, etc. for all users.
Imports all Tasks, Text, Separators, and URLs which have been set up in the Task Manager.
Payroll Forms
Imports all information from the Payroll Forms tab except 1099 thresholds.
Payroll Departments
Payroll Departments will be imported as long as the accounts that are part of a Payroll Department record exist in the open database. It is advised to select Accounts as well as Payroll Departments so that any missing accounts will be imported when the Payroll Department is imported.
Payroll Items
Imports all Payroll Items where the GL Accounts that are selected for the item exist in the receiving file. If an account does not exist in the receiving file, the item will not be imported.
Tax Maps
Imports the tax mappings for Drake®, Lacerte®, and UltraTax® for the entity type of the receiving file, if such a mapping exists.
Mappings to accounts that do not exist in the receiving file will not be included.
Imports custom values for Account Class and Report Title in Setup>Verbiage.
Imports all Automatic Descriptions in Setup>Descriptions.
1099 Types
Imports 1099 Types which have been setup from the Vendor tab in Setup>Contacts>CompanyContacts or Utilities>Maintenance>Edit 1099 Type.
Payroll Templates
Imports Payroll Templates defined in Setup>Payroll Templates if Payroll Items is selected and there are no pre-existing Payroll Items.
Matching Record Rules for Customer, Vendor, Employee, Other, Undesignated and All Contacts
When contact records are imported from FCA, the Lookup from the source company is compared to the Lookup in the receiving company. If a match is found, the action taken will depend upon the selection made in the FCA Properties dialog box. Following are the selections and what they mean:
None—When a match is found, the record is not imported.
Update—When a match is found, only blank fields are updated with data from the source company.
Replace—When a match is found, the entire record is replaced with the record from the source company, including blank fields.
Note: If Employee or All is selected, all employee information for all tables and screens will be imported except employee Setup>Payroll Templates and Setup>Payroll Taxes>SUTA Co. and SDI Co. information.
Edit Accounts and Contacts
Select Reports>Report List from the menu, locate the Chart of Accounts report and print it for reference. Review the accounts to be sure that the Classification and Type are correct.
Select Setup>Accounts. Edit accounts as necessary. See Accountsfor information about editing the accounts.
Select Setup>Contacts. Edit contacts as necessary. See Contacts for information about editing contact records.
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