Other Income type payroll items are used for amounts other than hourly or salary to be added to a paycheck. Some examples include: Commission, Piecework, Tips, Expense Reimbursements, and Fringe Benefits. DO NOT use other income for Regular, Overtime, Sick, Vacation, or PTO.
Lookup—Enter a brief identifier for the payroll item. It can be any desired alphanumeric combination. Each Lookup must be unique. It should not be more than seven characters.
Description—Enter a meaningful description in this field.

Amount or % —Enter an amount or percent only if it applies to all employees linked to the Template(s) that the item is inserted in. The Based On selection will determine whether the program will treat the value as an amount or percent. Leave 0.00 in this field in most cases and enter the amount or % on the Item/Limits tab for the employee.
Based On—Make the desired selection from the drop-down list.
- Disposable Net—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Disposable Net. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Disposable Net (Limit=Exclude)—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Disposable Net. This is typically used for IRS type garnishments. Enter the amount to exclude in the Limit field. The result will be in the Amount field. The Disposable Net will not be less than the Limit.
- Gross Pay—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Gross Pay. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Item(s) Amount—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Item(s) Amount Limit on Disposable Net—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Disposable Net multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Amount Limit on Gross—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Gross Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Amount Limit on Medicare Wages—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Medicare Wages multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Amount Limit on Net Pay—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Net Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Amount Limit on Net Payroll—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Net Payroll multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Amount Total Limit on Disposable Net—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Amount(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field. The total of all deductions with this limit type will not exceed Disposable Net multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Qty—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)\Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty(s) of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Item(s) Qty Limit on Disposable Net—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Disposable Net multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Qty Limit on Gross—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Gross Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Qty Limit on Medicare Wages—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Medicare Wages multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Qty Limit on Net Payroll—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Net Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Qty Limit on Pay—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Item(s) Qty Total Limit on Disposable Net—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty of the Items selected in the Selected Items grid. The result will be in the Amount field. The total of all deductions with this limit type will not exceed Disposable Net multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Medicare Taxable Wages—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Medicare Taxable Wages. The result will be in the Amount field.
- MTD Gross Pay (limit=min=max)—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Month to Date Gross Pay when that result reaches the amount entered in the Limit field. The result will be in the Amount field. This is typically used for Denver area OPT.
- MTD Hrs Wkd (limit=min=max)—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Month to Date Hours worked when that result reaches the amount entered in the Limit field. The result will be in the Amount field. This is typically used to accrue sick hours.
- Net Check—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Net Check. The result will be in the Amount field. The Net Check amount includes nonpayroll additions which may have been entered.
- Net Payroll—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Net Payroll. The result will be in the Amount field. The Net Check amount excludes nonpayroll additions which may have been entered.
- Net Payroll (limit=exclude)—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by Net Payroll. This is typically used for IRS type garnishments. Enter the amount to exclude in the Limit field. The result will be in the Amount field. The net check will not be less than the Limit.
- OT Hours—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered for all Pay type items with a Pay Factor greater than 1.0. The result will be in the Amount field.
- OT Hours Worked—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered for all Pay type items with a Pay Class of Regular and a Pay Factor greater than 1.0. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Qty—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the program will calculate Quantity multiplied by the Rate and enter the result in the Amount field.
- Qty Limit on Disposable Net—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered at runtime. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Disposable Net multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Qty Limit on Gross—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered at runtime. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Gross Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Qty Limit on Medicare Wages—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Medicare Wages multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Qty Limit on Net Payroll—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered at runtime. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Net Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Qty Limit on Pay—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered at runtime. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Qty Total Limit on Disposable Net—The program will deduct the entered amount unless the Track Qty box on the Account window is checked. If the Track Qty box is checked, the rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered at runtime. The result will be in the Amount field and will not exceed Pay multiplied by the rate entered in the Limit field.
- Regular Hours—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered for all Pay type items with a Pay Factor equal to 1.0. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Regular Hours Worked—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered for all Pay type items with a Pay Class of Regular and a Pay Factor equal to 1.0. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Total Hours—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered for all Pay type items. The result will be in the Amount field.
- Total Hours Worked—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Qty entered for all Pay type items with a Pay Class of Regular. The result will be in the Amount field.
- YTD Gross Pay (limit=min=max)—The rate entered on the item or in the grid on the Item(s)/Limits tab for the contact will be multiplied by the Year to Date Gross Pay when that result reaches the amount entered in the Limit field.
When you select a Based On option which includes Item(s), the Items button will become active, as shown in the screenshot below. Select the desired Item(s) from the drop-down list in the Based on Items dialog box. Select the appropriate Department if the deduction does not apply to all departments.

Limit or % —Enter a limit amount as x.xx or a limit percent as x.xx%. Calculated amounts will not exceed the entered amount or %. Leave 0.00 in this field in most cases and enter the amount or % on the Item/Limits tab for the employee.
Limit Type—A limit can be set to cap the deduction based on the Limit Type selected:
- Annual Calendar—Annually resets every January. This limit type is typically used for deductions like 401K or Simple plan contributions.
- Annual Hire—Annually resets on the employee's hire date.
- Check—The limit applies to each individual check.
- Lifetime—Does not reset. This limit type is typically used for deductions like employee loans.
- Monthly—Resets each month. This limit type is typically used for insurance or garnishment deductions.
- Quarterly—Resets each quarter.
Limit 2—Enter a limit amount as x.xx. Calculated amounts will not exceed the entered amount. This field is only used when there is more than one limit type like Check and Lifetime. Leave 0.00 in this field in most cases and enter the amount or % on the Item/Limits tab for the employee.
Limit Type 2—A limit can be set to cap the deduction based on the Limit Type selected. This field is only used when there is more than one limit type like Check and Lifetime.
- Annual Calendar—Annually resets every January. This limit type is typically used for deductions like 401K or Simple plan contributions.
- Annual Hire—Annually resets on the employee's hire date.
- Check—The limit applies to each individual check.
- Lifetime—Does not reset. This limit type is typically used for deductions like employee loans.
- Monthly—Resets each month. This limit type is typically used for insurance or garnishment deductions.
- Quarterly—Resets each quarter.
Exempt From—Check the appropriate box for any tax that is to be calculated without any amounts posted to this item. For example, check the SS Emp, SS Co, Med Emp, and Med Co boxes for a fringe benefit which is federal and state withholding taxable, but exempt from FICA. Check all applicable state, local and school district tax boxes according to appropriate rules.
Expense Account—Select the appropriate default general ledger account that should be debited for this income item. If Use Employee Department is selected, amounts posted to this item will be posted to the account selected in the applicable Payroll Department setup.
W2 Tracking—Select the applicable W-2 Box if this deduction should be printed on form W-2.
W2 Code—Enter the correct W-2 code for Box 12 or description for Box 14 if applicable.
Use Supplemental Rate—Select this to calculate federal and state withholding taxes at the supplemental rates.
Use Employee Department—When this is selected, amounts posted to this item will be debited to the expense account selected in the applicable Payroll Department setup.
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