Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Import Transactions
The Consolidate Summary Data import is used to import data from multiple company files into a consolidated master file. This is useful for clients who own multiple companies and desire an overall report of their enterprise. All company files must have the same period type (i.e., Monthly, Quarterly, etc.) and the same fiscal year end month. Consolidate Summary Data files contain net account activity for each period as well as any out of period transactions (i.e. prior period transactions). First time only—Create a new master company file with the appropriate period type and fiscal year end month. Prior to each import—Create the summarized data files for all companies to be consolidated using File>Exports>Consolidate Summary Data. Note: A ‘Not Responding’ message in the Windows Task Manager does not mean that the program is not working. A dialog box will appear when the process is complete. DO NOT end task or interrupt the import. Depending upon the size of the file, this process could take several minutes to complete. All summarized data files (.sdf files) which have been imported are removed automatically by the system. The file name which appears in the Select file to import screen will be the Batch name for each transaction. The batch name is the Company Name followed by the year and period of the import. To delete all transactions imported in a batch, select Write Up>Import Transactions>Consolidate Summary Data. Select the Batch to be deleted in the Undo by batch field, then select Undo. Batches that have been imported in prior periods cannot be undone. Select File>Export>Consolidate Summary Data if data needs to be imported again. Additional filters may be set to zero in on particular transactions.
Consolidate Summary Data
Undo by Batch
View imported transactions.
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