Transactions can be imported from a spreadsheet or nonspecific software program if they can be exported to a file. The file can have any name with any extension, as long as it is Tab delimited or Comma delimited, and the transaction detail records are in rows.
Generic Import
Select Write Up>Import Transactions>Generic.
Select the file to import.
Select a predefined template from the Template list, or type in a new template name and click the New button to add it to the list.
Note: These templates are saved globally and will be available to all company files in the future.
Set the row numbers for Data starts in row and Header is in row to match the text file. Verify that the Delimiter is set properly. Notice in the following two screenshots that the Data starts in row 3 and that the Header is in row 2. The file is Tab delimited.
Click Save.
Note: The next time this dialog box opens, double-click the desired name in the Template List and the other saved fields will be populated.
Click OK.
Use the following Import Generic Transactions dialog to map the fields in the import file to the appropriate fields in FCA™ or PBM™. It may be appropriate to import some Fields, but not others. Select the fields you wish to import from the drop-down list. Select Ignore for those which are not to be imported. Once a Map To choice has been selected, it will not be available again. The only option that is available more than once is Ignore. Map the fields in the import file to the appropriate fields and items in FCA or PBM. If the file selected for import is a check register, see the detailed instructions for Import Check Register below.
When the mapping is complete, click OK.
Use the following Import Generic Transactions Map dialog box to map the accounts in the import file to the appropriate accounts in FCA or PBM.
Review the date range for the transactions to import from the file. The program will default to the start and end dates of the current accounting period. If the file contains transactions dated outside of the current accounting period they will be ignored unless you change the dates. See Import Multiple Periods by Dates for detailed instructions
Map the import file using the account map grid on the left side of the window. Select the FCA or PBM account in the Map To column for each account.
Note: Click the Fill Map button at the upper right of the window to have the system look for and map all accounts where the account Lookup in FCA or PBM matches the account code used in the file being imported.
Use the grid on the right side of the window to define transactions to be summarized into one transaction. Select the Summarize transactions as follows box to create the summarized transaction(s). Use the grid to define the summarized transaction as follows:
Number—Identify all parts of a summarized transaction with the same Number. The transaction number in FCA Write Up will be S1, S2, etc.
Debit—Enter the debit accounts in the Debit column that are part of the summarized transaction.
Credit—Enter the credit accounts in the Credit column that are part of the summarized transaction.
Description—Enter a description for the transaction, if desired.
Click OK to import the transactions.
A "Not Responding" message in the Windows Task Manager does not mean that the program is not working. A dialog box will open when the process is complete. DO NOT end the task or interrupt the import.
Import Check Register
If a client provides a check register file, this import can be used to create checks from the file. The file must contain columns to be mapped to Page (Check Number), Date, Contact (Payee), Account, and Amount. However, not all columns must be imported. The file must contain checks from only one bank account. If a check is to be posted to multiple accounts, the amounts must be on separate contiguous rows.
Select the desired file.
Select the desired template if necessary.
Verify the Data and Header rows and the Delimiter, then click OK.
Note: For more detailed instructions, see steps 1–5 in the Generic Import section above.
Use the following Import Generic Transactions dialog to map the fields in the import file to the appropriate fields in FCA or PBM.
It may be appropriate to import some Fields, but not others. Select the fields you wish to import from the drop-down list. Select Ignore for those which are not to be imported. Once a Map To choice has been selected, it will not be available again. The only option that is available more than once is Ignore. Map the fields in the import file to the appropriate fields and items in FCA or PBM.
Check Import Check Register and select the desired Offset Bank Account. Check Reverse Sign if the amounts in the file are negative.
Review the date range for the transactions to import from the file. The program will default to the start and end dates of the current accounting period. If the file contains transactions dated outside of the current accounting period they will be ignored unless you change the dates. See Import Multiple Periods by Dates for detailed instructions.
Map the import file using the account map grid on the left side of the window. Select the FCA or PBM account in the Map To column for each import file. Click the Fill Map button at the upper right of the window to have the system look for and map all accounts where the account Lookup in FCA or PBM matches the account code used in the file being imported.
Note: Do not Summarize Transactions. The checks will not be available to clear as individual transactions on the reconciliation window if they are summarized.
Click OK to import the transactions.
A "Not Responding" message in the Windows Task Manager does not mean that the program is not working. A dialog box will open when the process is complete. DO NOT end the task or interrupt the import.
Import Multiple Periods by Dates
This option is found in the lower left of screen.
If the transaction file contains multiple months of transactions, and the transactions will be imported into multiple periods based upon the date, select Import to multiple periods by dates. The following rules dictate how prior periods will be handled:
If this option is selected when a file with multiple months (or years) is being imported into a new, empty FCA or PBM client file, and the new client file was created with a current period more recent than the oldest period in the import file, then the program will automatically reset the opening balance period in the FCA or PBM client file and create all prior periods required by the import file. All future periods will be created as required.
If this option is selected when a file with multiple months (or years) is being imported into a FCA or PBM client file that already has recorded transactions and the earliest period is not as old as the first period in the file, then all months in the import file prior to the first period in the company file will be summarized into the Opening Balance period of the file. All future period entries will be created as required.
If this option is NOT selected when a file with multiple months is being imported, all data will be imported into the current period regardless of dates.
Note: Be aware of the Save icon in the toolbar. FCA will save and remember the mapping for any account which has been previously imported. If it is necessary to cancel an import after some accounts have been mapped, click the Save icon to save the mapping that has been completed.
Cancel—Click the Cancel button to close the screen without importing.
Print—Click the Print button to print the saved mapping for the displayed import.
Fill Map—The program will look for accounts with the same Lookup as the account number in the file being imported and populate the Map To field with any matches.
Export Map—Click the Export Map button to export memorized mappings to a .txt or .csv file.
Batch—Each import will be assigned a unique Batch name that follows a particular pattern. Batch GT 2020 2-1 indicates that the import is the first generic transaction import done in period 2 of 2020. If a file is imported in the same period using this import, the batch name would be GT 2020 2-2.
Undo byBatch—To delete all transactions imported in a batch, select Writeup>Import Transactions>Generic. Select the Batch to be deleted in the Undo by batch field and select Undo. Batches that have been imported in prior periods cannot be undone.
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