Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Setup
This Budget window is used to set up the budget that is used on all Income Statement reports where the comparative period is set to Budget. Select Setup>Budget. Enter a value in the Total column. That amount will automatically be divided by 12 and spread through all periods for that account. Values may also be manually entered for each account/period, as desired. Budget values may be imported from a tab delimited text file. The file must have a column for each period the amounts will be imported to. Rows will be mapped to existing accounts. To import a text file into the budget: Note: A warning dialog box will appear if a budget already exists for the selected year. Click Yes to overwrite the existing budget. Click No to cancel the import. Note: If a row should have been marked exclude on the Import Generic Budget and was not, map it to Ignore. Budget values may be created based on actual data from prior years or the current year. The system will also increase or decrease the actual amount by an entered percent. The percent of increase or decrease is entered for each account class for each period. To create a budget for the current year from prior actual or budget amounts: Note: Current Value—Use to keep current budget values intact or modify by percent entered. A budget may be created for next year or a future year based on the current actual values and/or prior year actual values and/or prior budget values. If the client file is currently in period 10, use actual current year for all periods completed for the current year. Use the actual amounts from the prior year and add the appropriate percent or use the budgeted values, if there is a budget for the current year, for periods which have not been completed for the current year. To delete all amounts or amounts by classification:
Enter Values Manually
Import from Text File
button to browse for the text file.
The Import Generic Budget window which appears has all of the rows, columns and data from the saved text file. A drop-down list is available in the first row of each column. The program defaults the column value in each of these fields to Ignore.
Create from Prior
icon to calculate the totals.
Create budget for future year(s)
Deleting a budget or classification section
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