Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Setup
The Descriptions feature saves frequently used journal entry or invoice descriptions for optimal processing. This applies to write up and accounts receivable. Create memorized descriptions for any journal entry that is made more than once. (For example, sales or payroll recap entries.) A numeric value may be entered in the Memo field of most input windows and the system will enter the memorized description which will print on the reports. Use a number for the description that will be easy to remember. For example, if the description is "Record Monthly Sales," use the account number for sales from the chart of accounts. There is no limit to the number of automatic descriptions that can be set up. Invoice descriptions for payments received and non-repetitive billing such as payroll services or tax returns are examples of frequently used descriptions. A numeric value may be entered in the Memo field of the Accounts Receivable Invoice and the system will enter the memorized description which will print on the statement. There is no limit to the number of automatic descriptions that can be set up.
For Write Up
For Accounts Receivable
To Set up Automatic Descriptions
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