Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Contacts
Information about businesses or individuals that a client does business with is stored in the Contact Manager. All contacts are maintained here. A single contact may be a Vendor, Customer, Employee, one-time payee, 1099 recipient or any combination of these types. General demographic information about a contact is recorded on the Contact tab. Other tabs contain information specific to Payroll, Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable. Every payee who receives a check will have a record in the Contact Manager. Select Setup>Contacts>Company Contacts. The links below go to the related topics. Contact Vendor Customer Employee Item(s)/Limits Dept Pay Rates Taxes Banking Notes 1095 Part II 1095 Part III 1098 1099B 1099 DIV 1099 INT 1099K 1099 MISC 1099 NEC General Fields in the Contact Manager The Lookup and Display Name fields above the tabs show the information for the active contact on all tabs. New—Click the New button to clear the window to begin entering data for a new contact. Cancel—Click the Cancel button to close the Contact window without saving any changes. Refresh—Click the Refresh button to update all drop-down lists with selections added in other windows while the Contact Manager was open. Add to Global—This button becomes active when a value is entered in the SSN/EIN field. Click to add this contact to Global Contacts. Import Global—This button becomes active when the value entered in the SSN/EIN field matches a Global Contact. Click to import address information from the Global Contact. Sync with Global—All contacts with a check in this field will be updated when Sync Now is selected in Global Contacts. The Customer, Employee, Vendor, or Other fields at the bottom of the window include the active contact in the appropriate reports or Search categories. A contact can belong to more than one category. Most of the fields in the Contact tab are self-explanatory. Following are explanations for fields with a specific use: Lookup—The Lookup is used to identify the contact with a transaction. For example, when a check is being written or recorded in the Quick Check window, the Lookup is used in the Pay to the order of field. However, the name that appears on the printed check will be the Display Name. Create Lookups that help you locate contacts easily. The Lookup in the screenshot is the same as the vendor's name, in which case typing "All" in the Pay to the order of field will bring up Allied Supplies. Organization—This provides the ability to associate contacts in any group that you define. To create an organization item, type it in the Organization field of any record, and it will be available in the drop-down list for all contact records. A good example of the use of Organization is the name of a client's business that all employees are associated with. EIN/SSN—Enter the Social Security or Employer Identification Number. (Hyphens must be included.) Note: When an EIN or SSN is added to a new or existing contact, if the value in this field matches a Global Contact, an import dialog box will open. Select Import to update the contact with information from the Global Contact or Cancel if no import is desired. Status—The Status field provides the ability to further identify contacts in groups (see Organization above). To create a Status item, just type it in the Status field of any record, and it will be available in the drop-down list for all contact records. Some examples of Status are Active, Inactive, and Prospect. Name—Title, First, Middle, Last, Suffix, and Gender are fields that need to be completed for Payroll Employees. The information in these fields is used for state unemployment returns, W-2s, and other payroll tax forms and files. Display Name—This is the name that appears on printed checks, invoices, and reports. Business Name—This is used in addition to the Display Name where both need to be printed. If both are the same, use only Display Name and leave Business Name blank. Address Fields—Enter the appropriate in the Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, County, and Country fields as needed. Primary Contact—Enter the name of the contact person for accounts receivable or accounts payable purposes Phone Fields—Enter phone numbers as needed for accounts receivable or accounts payable. Enter an employee's mobile number in the Phone 1 field to export to the PayPortal. Email Fields—Enter email addresses for reference purposes. Enter an employee's email address in the Email 1 field to export to the PayPortal. Use the Vendor tab to record information about the vendor. Account Number—Enter the account number with the vendor for reference. This does not print on checks or reports. Default Check Memo—Enter the Memo to be printed on the Memo line of the check. This default Memo can be overwritten when checks are created. EIN/SSN—Enter the Social Security or Employer Identification Number if it was not entered on the Contact Tab. Val Code—Enter a validation code, if desired. Validation codes are used to verify that the proper vendor has been selected when creating a check. This can be helpful when there are several vendors with similar names, in which case, it helps prevent a check being written to the wrong vendor. Terms—Select the desired value from the drop-down list. (Terms are set up on the Terms tab in Setup>System Options.) Remember Prior Transactions—When this option is selected, all of the detail of the previous check for the vendor selected, including accounts and amounts, will be shown in the Check window as soon as the vendor is selected. Defaults—When accounts are entered in this grid, checks written to this vendor will be completed with the information recorded here as soon as the vendor is selected. You can enter multiple account numbers. You can also enter recurring amounts which may be overwritten during check entry. 1099 Settings—Use this section if the vendor will be receiving one or more 1099s at the end of the year. Select the accounts to which the 1099s apply and enter the or select 1099 Type to use. Enter a Start Year and Start Balance only if amounts have been paid to this vendor earlier this year and no detail was entered in FCA. Each 1099 type will be mapped to the appropriate 1099 form and box once when the reports are selected to print. Automatic payment information and repetitive billing information is entered on the Customer tab. Draft Bank/Credit Card—Select the Bank Account or Credit Card to charge from the drop-down list created by accounts on the Banking tab. Group—This is the payment group. Select the desired Group from the drop-down list or type a new group name in this field. Different groups may be defined for different payment dates. To create a payment group, type the desired group name in the Group field and press Enter. The dialog box shown in the screenshot below will open. Click Yes to create the group. Click No to return to the Group field. Edit or delete groups in Utilities>Maintenance>Edit Draft Group. Max Draft—Enter the amount to be printed on the bank draft as the maximum allowable amount in the Max Draft field. This amount will also be the amount suggested in the ACH Nacha File window if it is lower than the balance due. VO Client ID—Enter the customer's VO Client ID here to print invoices or statements to upload to their portal using Activities>Print to Virtual Office. There is also an option to attach the report to the email notification. Marketing Message 1, Marketing Message 2, and Draft Message—Marketing and Draft messages will print on AR Statements. Type the desired message in the report options window on the Statement. The message selected on the statement will print if Default is left in the field on the Customer tab. To override the Default Message, select the desired Lookup from the drop-down list. Marketing messages are set up on the Screen Options>Marketing Messages tab. Terms—Select the desired Terms from the drop-down list. Terms are defined in Setup>System Options on the Terms tab. The Terms will print on the statement and invoice reports. Exclude from finance charges—Select this to exclude this customer from finance charges regardless of any past due amount. To set up Repetitive Billing, enter repetitive billing information in the grid shown in the screenshot below. Group—This is the Repetitive Billing Group. Select the desired Group from the drop-down list or type a new group name in this field. To create a Repetitive Billing Group, type the desired group name in the Group field and press Enter. The dialog box shown in the screenshot below will open. Click Yes if it is correct. Click No to return to the Group field. Edit or delete Groups in Utilities>Maintenance>Edit Repetitive Billing Group. Item—Enter the desired Item Lookup or select the desired Item from the drop-down list. These items are created in Setup>Invoice Items. The program will populate the Type, Account, Description, Price and Tax fields with values from the Invoice Item window. Qty—Enter the desired Quantity or leave 1.00 in the Qty field. Price—Enter the desired Price or leave the amount from the Invoice Item in the field. Amount—The amount will be the price multiplied by the Qty. If no price has been entered, you may enter an amount here. Tax—Accept the value in this field. There is no limit to the number of repetitive billing items or groups that may be The Employee tab contains employee information. Some fields are required for after-the-fact payroll and payroll checkwriting. Other fields are required for payroll checkwriting only. SSN—Enter the employee’s social security number if it was not entered on the Contact Tab. Hyphens MUST be entered. Type—This is a user-defined field that can be used to separate one type of employee from another. Enter any alphanumeric combination in this field. Types may be edited or deleted in Utilities>Payroll>Edit Employee Type. Class—This is a user-defined field that can be used to further identify employees. It may be used to separate employees for workman’s compensation purposes. Enter any alphanumeric combination in this field. Types may be edited or deleted in Utilities>Payroll>Edit Employee Class. Hired—Enter the employee’s hire date in this field. Terminated—Enter the employee’s termination date in this field. Entering a termination date will suppress the employee on the Payroll Time Sheet. Prior Hire—This field is used for employees who have been rehired. Enter the employee's prior hire date in this field. Prior End—This field is used for employees who have been rehired. Enter the employee's prior termination date in this field. Pay Rate—Enter the employee’s hourly pay rate or salary for the pay period in this field for payroll checkwriting clients only. Pay Period—Select the appropriate pay period from the drop-down list for payroll checkwriting clients only. Leave Default in the field if this employee's pay period is the same as the Default Pay Frequency selected on the Company Payroll Defaults tab in Setup>Company Information. Select Annual, Biweekly, Daily, Default, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, Semimonthly or Weekly if this employee's pay period frequency is different. The system will calculate federal and some state income tax based on the pay period selected. Department—Select the employee’s default department from the drop-down list. A department must be selected to save an employee. Pay Template—Select the appropriate pay template from the drop-down list. WH State—Select appropriate Withholding State for this employee from the drop-down list if the Default is not correct. UI State—Select appropriate Unemployment State for this employee from the drop-down list if the Default is not correct. DI State—Select appropriate Disability State for this employee from the drop-down list if the Default is not correct. Locale—Select the appropriate default tax area for this employee from the drop-down list if the Default is not correct. DOB—Enter Employee’s date of birth. Last Raise—Enter the date of the employee's last raise. Previous Rate—Enter the previous rate of pay. W/C Class—Select appropriate W/C Class for this employee from the drop-down list if the Default is not correct. The W/C Class is maintained in Setup>Payroll WC Class Code. SOC Code—Select the appropriate code from the drop-down list. Some states require that an SOC Code be reported for every employee on the unemployment return. SOC Codes are initially created in File>Imports>SOC Table. Additional codes may be added in Utilities>Maintenance>SOC Table. Note: If Default is selected in any of the above fields, the system will use the value defined on the Company Payroll Defaults tab in the Setup>Company Information window. Exemptions FWH—Do NOT check this box if the employee is claiming to be exempt from withholding because he had no tax liability in the previous year. A checkmark in this box will cause the employee’s wages to be excluded from federal withholding taxable wages on the 941, W-2s, and W-3. Select the Federal Exempt table on the Taxes tab. SWH—Do NOT check this box if the employee is claiming to be exempt from withholding because he had no tax liability in the previous year. A checkmark in this box will cause the employee’s wages to be excluded from state withholding taxable wages on the state withholding return, W-2s, and W-3. LWH—Do NOT check this box if the employee is claiming to be exempt from withholding because he had no tax liability in the previous year. A checkmark in this box will cause the employee’s wages to be excluded from local withholding taxable wages on the local withholding return, W-2s, and W-3. SDWH—Do NOT check this box if the employee is claiming to be exempt from withholding because he had no tax liability in the previous year. A checkmark in this box will cause the employee’s wages to be excluded from local withholding taxable wages on the local withholding return, W-2s, and W-3. NHA 2010—Check this box if the wages for this employee are eligible for exemption from the Employer Social Security tax for 2010 per the New Hire Act. SS Emp—Check this box if the employee is exempt from Social Security tax. SS Co—Check this box if the employee is exempt from Social Security tax. Medi Emp—Check this box if the employee is exempt from Medicare tax. Medi Co—Check this box if the employee is exempt from Medicare tax. SUI Emp—Check this box if the employee is exempt from State Unemployment tax. (Check with the state tax authority for rules regarding exempt employees.) SUI Co—Check this box if the employee is exempt from State Unemployment tax. (Check with the state tax authority for rules regarding exempt employees.) SDI Emp—Check this box if the employee is exempt from State Disability tax. (Check with the state tax authority for rules regarding exempt employees.) SDI Co—Check this box if the employee is exempt from State Disability tax. (Check with the state tax authority for rules regarding exempt employees.) FUTA—Check this box if the employee is exempt from Federal Unemployment tax. Additional Employee Information Seasonal—Checking this box will cause the employee to be noted as a seasonal employee on the appropriate state unemployment return. This field may also be used for internal informational purposes. Officer—Checking this box will include this employee’s wages in the Total Exempt Officers’ Wages box on the appropriate state unemployment returns. This field may also be used for informational purposes. Salaried—Checking this box will cause this employee's rate to be exported to the Virtual Office Payroll Forms as a Salary Item. It will also cause this employee to be noted as a salaried employee on the appropriate state unemployment return. Any employees without a checkmark will be noted as hourly. This field may also be used for informational purposes. Pension Plan—Any employee with a checkmark in this field will receive a W-2 with an ‘X’ in the Retirement Plan box. This field may also be used for informational purposes. Cafeteria Plan—This field may be used for informational purposes. Deferred Income—This field may be used for informational purposes. Statutory—Any employee with a checkmark in this field will receive a W-2 with an ‘X’ in the Statutory Employee box. Inactive—Checking this box will remove the employee from the drop-down list in the payroll check entry window and from the Payroll Time Sheet reports. This field may also be used for informational purposes. Insured—Checking this box will cause this employee to be treated as an insured employee for Vermont State Unemployment Tax Return purposes. Check this box to generate a 1095-C for any employee who does not have full time hours for any month of the report year. MCTMT—Checking this box will cause this employee to be counted as a covered employee for NY MCTMT. Exmt From W/C—This field is used to indicate an exempt employee in the file created in a Pay As You Go W/C file. Non US Citizen—This field is used in some Pay As You Go W/C files. 943—Check this box for any employee whose information is to be included on Form 943. If this box is not checked, amounts for the employee will be included on Form 941. Religious Exempt—Check any employee who is religious exempt for CA DE9 and DE9C reporting. Probationary—This field is used in some Pay As You Go W/C files. Non Resident Alien—This field is used in some Pay As You Go W/C files. W/C Const. Class—This field is used in some Pay As You Go W/C files. Employee File W4/I9—This field may be used for informational purposes. Enter standard deduction or accrual items, amounts or rates, limit types and limits on the Item Limits tab. Item—Select the desired Item from the drop-down list. Rate—Enter the rate or amount in the Rate field. Enter a rate as a decimal (enter 3.0% as 0.0300) Limit—Enter the limit amount in the Limit field, if necessary. Limit Type—Select the appropriate limit type from the drop-down list, if necessary. Limit 2—Enter an amount in Limit 2 only if applicable. Limit Type 2—Select the appropriate limit type from the drop-down list only if applicable. You can save multiple pay rates for one employee who works in different departments within a company. To do so: Note: Do NOT enter the employee’s default department and pay rate in the Departmental Rates In the screenshot above, Wally West usually works as a Host for $12.00 per hour. He sometimes works in other departments at different rates per hour. If the department in the check entry window is changed from Host, the rate will change according to the Departmental Rates table above. If the department in the check entry window is changed to a department that is not listed in the Departmental Rates table, the rate will be the default rate (12.00). Enter withholding tax information on the Taxes tab. Federal State Withholding Local Withholding Use the Banking tab to record the information necessary for generating a NACHA file for employee direct deposit, vendor EFT payments, or accounts receivable payments from customers. Select the Contact that you will be sending payments to or receiving funds from via EFT, then click on the Banking tab. Select the bank from the drop-down list in the Lookup field and click Edit to edit a bank record, or click New to create a new record. New/Edit Lookup—Enter a Lookup to identify the bank account. For payroll direct deposit, the Lookup for the bank account that the net check will be deposited to must be the same for all employees. We recommend that you use BK. This lookup must match the lookup in the EFT Bank field on the Payroll Template. Additional accounts for an employee would be BK1, BK2, BK3. Make sure that if you have all used all capital letters in the template you use all capitals in the bank account lookup. These are case sensitive. Type—Select Checking or Savings for an employee direct deposit. Select Checking, Savings, or Credit Card for accounts receivable payments. Business/Personal—Select the appropriate checking or savings accounts type. The type of bank account is required in the NACHA file. Credit Card Type—Select American Express, Discover, Mastercard, or Visa from the drop-down list. Credit Card Info: Use the Notes tab to enter any desired information about a specific Contact. Press Ctrl+Enter for a new line. If a 1095C needs to be provided to this employee, complete the following fields. If this company is required to complete Form 1095C part III, enter the appropriate information for each covered individual on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1098 on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099B on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099DIV on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099INT on this tab. Enter the information for the selected Contact's 1099K information on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099MISC on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099NEC on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099PATR on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099R on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form 1099S on this tab. Enter information for this contact's Form W-2G on this tab. Type a Lookup and Description for any Marketing or Draft Messages you want to create to overwrite the default message. The Lookup(s) will be available in the drop-down lists on the Customer tab.
Company Contacts
Contact Manager
Contact Tab
Vendor Tab
Customer Tab
entered for a customer.Employee Tab
In the screenshot above, the following deductions will be taken:
Departmental Pay Rates
Banking Tab
Notes Tab
1095 Part II
month. See the IRS instructions for Forms 1095C for specific information regarding these codes.
1095 Part III
Form 1098
Form 1099 B
1099 DIV
1099 INT
1099 K
1099 MISC
1099 NEC
1099 PATR
Form 1099 R
Form 1099 S
Form W-2G
Screen Options
o Yes—A dialog window will open asking if you want to save the changes. Select Yes to save the changes. Select Cancel to return to the record.
o No—All changes to the active contact will be saved when you move to a different contact or start a New contact.
o Checked—The Remember Prior Transaction box on the vendor tab will automatically be checked when a new contact is created or imported.
o Unchecked—The Remember Prior Transaction box on the vendor tab will not be checked when a new contact is created or imported.
o Checked—The W4 2020 or Newer box on the employee tab will automatically be checked when a new contact is created or imported.
o Unchecked—The W4 2020 or Newer box on the employee tab will not be checked when a new contact is created or imported.
o Yes—A dialog box will open asking if you wish to add the new organization. Review the information in the Organization field and click Yes to save the new Organization. Click No to return to the Organization field to edit it.
o No—The Organization name entered in the field will be added to the drop-down list without a prompt.
o Yes—A dialog box will open asking if you wish to add the new Status. Review the information in the Status field and click Yes to save the new Status. Click No to return to the Status field to edit it.
o No—The Status name entered in the field will be added to the drop-down list without a prompt.
o Yes—A dialog box will open asking if you wish to add the new Billing Groups. Review the information in the Billing Groups field and click Yes to save the new Billing Groups. Click No to return to the Billing Groups field to edit it.
o No—The Billing Groups name entered in the field will be added to the drop-down list without a prompt.
o Yes—A dialog box will open asking if you wish to add the new W/C Class. Review the information in the W/C Class field and click Yes to save the new W/C Class. Click No to return to the W/C Class field to edit it.
o No—The W/C Class name entered in the field will be added to the drop-down list without a prompt.
o Yes—A dialog box will open asking if you wish to add the new 1099 Type. Review the information in the 1099 Type field and click Yes to save the new 1099 Type. Click No to return to the 1099 Type field to edit it.
o No—The 1099 Type name entered in the field will be added to the drop-down list without a prompt.Marketing Messages
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