All supported Federal and State tax forms may be previewed or printed from FCA™. This is also where you will create files to be transmitted to the IRS for forms 940 and 941.
This window lists all reports that have been inserted into the Report Group selected from the drop-down list in the field at the top of the screen.
Instructions specific to some forms are located at the bottom of this page.
Important Note: When printing tax forms, make sure that the page size in the print properties for your PDF reader file is set to actual size. Do NOT select fit or best fit, or resize the report in any way.
Select Reports>Tax Forms.

Print or View a Tax Form
- Highlight the report in the Tax Forms window.
- Double-click the report or click the Preview Current button to preview. Click the Print Current button to print the highlighted report.
Print or View Multiple Tax Forms
- Click the checkbox to the left of each form to print or preview. To select all forms in the Report Group, right-click and click Select All.
- Click Preview Selected or Print Selected to preview or print the forms.
- Forms will be displayed or printed in the order of the list.
- To change the order, highlight each form and either press Shift + Up or Down arrow key or use the Move Row Up or Move Row Down icons in the Data Bar at the top of the window to move the form within the list.
Create E-File (Forms 941 and 940)
- Highlight the desired 941 or 940.
- Select Preview Current.
- Complete the 941 Data dialog box.
- Click OK.
- Review 941 form for accuracy and close the preview.
- Select Create E-File.
Note: The 941 or 940 form which is highlighted is the form which will be used to create the electronic file. Be sure that the correct form is highlighted.

- Browse to the desired folder, enter the file name, and click Open.
- Select Create or Append from the File Mode drop-down list.
Note: You may want to include mulitiple 941 forms in the file to be uploaded to your third part transmitter. If this is the first client you are creating a 941 for, leave Create in the File Mode field. Select Append if you are adding to an existing file.
- Select the desired Transmitter (E Smart Payroll, Drake, or Quarterly Express).
- Confirm or enter Business Taxpayer or Reporting Agent Signature PIN and Control Name. (These fields are populated by information entered on the Payroll Forms tab in Setup>Company Information.)
- Confirm Quarter/Year, Total Taxes and Total Deposits.
- Click OK to create the file.
Note: The 941 for a company may not be included in the file more than once. The following dialog will appear if a company is selected more than one time. If the 941 for a company needs to be corrected, delete the original record from the file by selecting Reports>Electronic Tax Reports>Efile 941 Delete Records prior to attempting to append corrected information.

Add a Form to a Group
- Click the Insert Row icon in the Data Bar.

- Double-click on the desired report to add it to the list.
Right-click Menu Options
Right-click in the Reports window and select an action from the menu that opens.

- Report Options—Customize Report Options for the selected report.
- Rename Report—To change the name of the report as it shows on the reports list window.
- Select All—Selects all reports in group for printing.
- Select None—Removes all selections in check boxes.
- Invert Selection—Selects reports that were not previously selected, and deselects selected reports.
- New Report Group—Create a new Report Group.
- Enter the Name of the Report Group.
- Select Client if the report group should be available only to the current client. Do not select Client if the report group should be available to all clients.

- Rename Report Group—Change the Name of the report group currently open, or change the selection of the Client checkbox.
- Delete Report Group—Delete the currently open Report Group.
- Copy From—Copy reports from one report group into another, including all report option settings. Use this to easily create a report group for a new client by copying the reports from the standard report group. After the reports have been copied into the new report group the option settings can be fine tuned to suit the specific client. Select the group to Copy From in the drop-down list of report groups at the top of the dialog. Select each report to copy or right-click and click Select All for all reports in the group.

- Copy To—Enables a new report to be added to one or all existing report groups. First set the Report Options on the new report as desired. Then highlight the new report, right-click and select Copy To. Select the report groups that the report will be copied to or right-click and click Select All to send to all groups.
Report Options
Report Options—Highlighted the desired form before right-clicking. Depending upon the form, the Report Options dialog may take a few seconds to appear. Following is an example showing the options for Federal 941 and SWH Quarterly Reports. The options for all forms are explained below.

Common Options—These options are available for many forms.
- Preprinted Forms
- No—The program will print the form, the client information, and amounts.
- Yes—The program will print the client information and amounts, but will not print the form.
- Use Entered Liabilities
- No—The program will print the quarterly, monthly, or daily liability amounts as calculated based on the check dates.
- Yes—The program will print the quarterly, monthly, or daily liability amounts as entered in Utilities>Payroll>Daily Liabilities.
- Do Calculations
- Yes—The program will print the balance due after payments, deposits, penalties, or credits.
- No—The program will NOT print the balance due after payments, deposits, penalties, or credits.
- Top Offset—A value entered in this field will affect the vertical placement of the report. Enter the value as a whole number (13=one line). Enter a positive value to increase the top margin or move the print down on the page. Enter a negative value to decrease the top margin or move the print up on the page.
- Left Offset—A value entered in this field will affect the horizontal placement of the report. Enter value as a whole number (7=one space) Enter a positive value to increase the left margin or move the print to the right on the page. Enter a negative value to decrease the left margin or move the print to the left on the page.
Setting Global Options for Tax Forms
- Click the Options
icon in the Data Bar of the Tax Forms window for global report options. Global report options affect all reports in the reports list.

- Select the desired options:
- Report Period Type—Select from month, quarter, or year. This does NOT have to be set for each different type of report. Quarterly forms such as the Federal 941 and State Unemployment reports will ALWAYS show amounts for the quarter. Annual returns such as forms W2, W3, 1096 and 1099 will ALWAYS report amounts for the year.
- Report Year—Select a year to print reports for prior periods.
- Report Period—Select a period to print reports for prior periods.
- Report Date—This will change automatically when prior periods have been selected.
- Printer selection Mode—Select desired prompt with the Windows printer selection dialog.
- Use Default Printer—Sends all selected reports to the Windows Default printer without presenting the Windows printer selection dialog.
- Prompt for Printer—Presents the Windows printer selection dialog prior to printing.
- Print Job Mode
- Combine—Sends all selected reports to the printer as one print job.
- Individually—Send selected reports to the printer as individual print jobs.
- Default Report Selection
- All—Causes all reports in a report group to be selected for printing when the report group window is opened. Clicking the checkbox to the left of any report will deselect it.
- None—Causes no reports in a report group to be selected for printing when the report group window is opened. Clicking the checkbox to the left of any report will select it.
- Always Run Balance Check
- Yes—The balance check will run, making sure the GL is in balance.
- No—The GL balance check will not be performed.
- Default PDF prefix>filename—Controls the information used for the file name suggested for the PDF file.
- Custom PDF prefix>filename—Defines the custom phrase used when Custom is selected in the Default PDF Prefix setting. This field supports two wildcards:
- %name%—this phrase will be replaced with the company name of the client.
- %DBA%—this phrase will be replaced with the DBA name of the client.
- Print PDF Default—Preselects the option in the Export to PDF dialog box for the client.
- Print to File
- Print to VO
- Print to VO Review
- Remember Last
- PDF Paper Copy Default
- Default Printer
- No
- Remember Last
- Select Printer
- Mask SSN (where applicable)
- Yes—Prints SSN as ***-**-1234 on W2-4up ONLY.
- No—Prints SSN as entered on all tax forms.
Form Options
1094-C—Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns
- Print 1094 A
- Yes—Print page 1 of Form 1094-C.
- No—Page 1 will not print.
- Print 1094 B
- Yes—Print page 2 of Form 1094-C.
- No—Page 2 will not print.
- Print 1094 C
- Yes—Print page 3 of Form 1094-C.
- No—Page 3 will not print.
1095-C—Employer-Provided health Insurance Offer and Coverage
- Print 1095 Landscape
- Yes—Print the landscape version of Form 1095-C to submit to the IRS if filing paper forms.
- No—This form will not print.
- Print 1095 Portrait
- Yes—Print the portrait version of Form 1095-C to mail to employees .
- No—This form will not print.
1096—Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns
- Print 1096 A
- Yes—Print this copy to submit to IRS with 1099 Copy A forms if filing on paper.
- No—Copy A will not print.
- Print 1096 B
- Yes—Print this copy as a file copy.
- No—Copy B will not print.
1099—FCA supports the following 1099 forms: 1099Misc, 1099Div, 1099Int, 1099S, 1099R, 1098, 1099K, 1098T, 1099B, 1099PATR, and Form W2G. Set the values for each copy of each form as necessary.
940—Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return
- Use Entered Liabilities
- Yes—Quarterly liability amounts will be picked up from amounts entered in the Utilities>Payroll>Daily Liabilities window. If no amounts have been entered, the program will use the daily liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- No—The program will use the liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the year.
- Print Pages 1 & 2
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the 940 form.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the 940 form.
- Print Sch A
- Yes—The program will print the Schedule A regardless of multiple state or credit reduction state criteria.
- No—The program will NOT print the Schedule A regardless of multiple state or credit reduction state criteria.
- Print Voucher
- Yes—The program will print the 940 Voucher if there is a Balance Due.
- No—The program will NOT print the 940 Voucher regardless of a Balance Due or Overpayment.
941—Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return
- Use Entered Liabilities
- Yes—Liability amounts on Schedule B will be picked up from amounts entered in the Utilities>Payroll>Daily Liabilities window. If no amounts have been entered, the program will use the daily liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- No—The program will use the daily liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- Print Pg 1 & 2
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the 941 form.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the 941 form.
- Print Sch B
- Yes—The program will print the Schedule B regardless of the liability for the quarter and the type of depositor.
- No—The program will NOT print the Schedule B regardless of the liability for the quarter and the type of depositor.
- Print Voucher
- Yes—The program will print the 941 Voucher if there is a Balance Due.
- No—The program will NOT print the 941 Voucher even if there is a Balance Due.
941 Worksheet 1
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the worksheet.
- No—The program will NOT print this form.
- Print Page 1
- Yes—The program will print page 1 of Form 941X.
- No—The program will NOT print this form.
- Print Page 2
- Yes—The program will print page 2 of Form 941X.
- No—The program will NOT print this form.
- Print Page 3
- Yes—The program will print page 3 of Form 941X.
- No—The program will NOT print this form.
943—Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees; This form is supported as of 2016.
- Print 943
- Yes—The program will print Form 943.
- No—The program will NOT print this form.
- Print Sch A
- Yes—The program will print Form 943 Schedule A.
- No—The program will NOT print this form.
- Print Voucher
- Yes—The program will print the 943 Voucher if there is a Balance Due.
- No—The program will NOT print the 943 Voucher regardless of a Balance Due or Overpayment.
944—Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return
- Print Page 1 & 2
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the 944 form.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the 944 form.
- Print Voucher
- Yes—The program will print the 944 Voucher if there is a Balance Due.
- No—The program will NOT print the 944 Voucher regardless of a Balance Due or Overpayment.
State Disability—The following state forms are produced using this selection: MA Form 1700-HI, NV Modified Business Tax Return General Business, WA L&I Report, NY MCMT
- Report State—Select the desired state from the drop-down list.
- Use Entered Liabilities—Does not apply for this type of form.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the first page of the return or the front and back sides of the first form.
- No—The program will NOT print the first page of the return or the front and back sides of the first form.
- Print Form 2
- Yes—The program will print the second page of the return or the front and back sides of the second form.
- No—The program will not print the second page of the return or the front and back sides of the second form.
State Unemployment—The program will produce state unemployment returns and continuation pages for all states. If electronic filing is required or desired, select Reports>Electronic Tax Reports>SUI to create a file to submit to the state.
- Report State—Select the desired state from the drop-down list.
- Use Entered Liabilities—Does not apply for this type of form.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the first page of the return or the front and back sides of the first form.
- No—The program will NOT print the first page of the return or the front and back sides of the first form.
- Print Form 2
- Yes—The program will print the continuation page(s) or employee wage list if necessary.
- No—The program will NOT print the continuation page(s) or employee wage list even if additional pages are necessary.
State W4—Prints a current withholding allowance form (if available) for the selected state. Employee Name, Address and Social Security Number fields are completed.
- Report State—Select the desired state from the drop-down list.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the first page of the withholding allowance form.
- No—The program will NOT the first page of the withholding allowance form.
- Print Form 2
- Yes—The program will print the second page of the withholding allowance form if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT the second page of the withholding allowance form.
State Withholding—Prints a quarterly, monthly, semi-monthly or weekly withholding tax return for the selected state.
- Report State—Select the desired state from the drop-down list.
- Use Entered Liabilities
- Yes—Quarterly, monthly, or daily liability amounts will be picked up from amounts entered in the Utilities>Payroll>Daily Liabilities window. If no amounts have been entered, the program will use the daily liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- No—The program will use the liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the first form or the first page of the return.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the first form or the first page of the return.
- Print Form 2
- Yes—The program will print the second page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
- Print Form 3
- Yes—The program will print the third page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
- Print Form 4
- Yes—The program will print the fourth page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
State Withholding Annual—Annual State Withholding reconciliation or transmittal return.
- Report State—Select the desired state from the drop-down list.
- Use Entered Liabilities—Does not apply to this type of return.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the first form or the first page of the return.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the first form or the first page of the return.
- Print Form 2
- Yes—The program will print the second page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
- Print Form 3
- Yes—The program will print the third page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
- Print Form 4
- Yes—The program will print the fourth page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
State Withholding Deposit—State Withholding deposit transmittal or coupon to accompany check for semi-monthly, monthly or quarterly deposit.
- Report State—Select the desired State from the drop-down list.
- Use Entered Liabilities—Does not apply to this type of return.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the first form or the first page of the return.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the first form or the first page of the return.
- Print Form 2
- Yes—The program will print the second page of the return if applicable.
- No—The program will NOT print the second page of the return.
- Report State—Leave the Value set to Federal (ALL) to print W2s for all employees. Select the desired state from the drop-down list to print W2s for employees that have withholding only in a specific state.
- Use Entered Liabilities—Does not apply to this type of return.
- Control Number—If a value is entered here the Control Number field on all W2s will be populated based on the Increment Control Number value.
- Increment Control Number
- Yes—The Control Number entered will print on the first W2 and will increment by one for each subsequent form.
- No—The value entered for the Control Number will print on ALL W2s.
- Total W2
- Yes—The last W2 generated will display company totals.
- No—The program will not generate a W2 for totals.
- Print W21, W2A, W2D, W2 File (D), W2 4 Per Page—See Chapter 5 of the Payroll Reference Manual for recommended setup instructions.
- Yes—The program will print the applicable form.
- No—The program will NOT print the applicable form.
W3—Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements
- Report State—Leave the Value set to Federal (ALL) to print W2s for all employees. Select the desired state from the drop-down list to print W2s for employees that have withholding only in a specific state.
- Use Entered Liabilities—Does not apply to this type of return.
- Control Number—The Value entered here will print on ALL W3s.
- Print W3 A
- Yes—Print this copy to submit to SSA with W2 Copy A forms if filing on paper.
- No—Copy A will not print.
- Print W3 File
- Yes—Print this copy as a file copy.
- No—The file copy will not print.
W4—Form W4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate. Prints a current year W4. Employee Name, Address and Social Security Number fields are completed.
- Use Entered Liabilities.
- Yes—Liability amounts on Schedule B will be picked up from amounts entered in the Utilities>Payroll>Daily Liabilities window. If no amounts have been entered, the program will use the daily liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- No—The program will use the daily liability amounts from payroll checks entered for the quarter.
- Do Calculations—Does not apply to this type of return.
- Print Form 1
- Yes—The program will print the front and back sides of the W4 form.
- No—The program will NOT print the front and back sides of the W4 form.
- Print Form 2—Does not apply to this form at this time.
Specific Instructions for Some Forms:
940: If unemployment tax is paid in only one state, the program gets the state name from the Default Unemployment state on the Company Payroll Defaults tab in Setup>Company Information. If no state has been selected, the program will use the state from the Company tab.
W2 Copy A and W3 Copy A—Red forms are NOT required by the Social Security Administration. The forms printed in FCA can be submitted to the Social Security Administration.
W2 Copy A—Only 3 Box 14 items for an employee will print on this copy. Box 14 is for providing information to the employee and the IRS does not require Box 14 items on Copy A.
State Unemployment
LA—An hourly rate is required on the form and in the electronic file. Enter this in the Pay Rate field on the Employee tab. Select the appropriate SOC Code from the list on the Employee tab.
State Withholding
KY—Form 1 is the K1, Form 2 is the K1E, Form 3 is the K3 and Form 4 is the K3E.
ME—Enter Maine Payroll Processor License Number in Other ID 3 field on the Tax Id's tab in Setup>Company Information.
State Withholding Annual
SC—Form 1 is WH-1606. Form 2 is WH-1612.
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