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From the WA Cares website: Businesses will need to collect WA Cares premiums for all employees whose work is localized in Washington (unless they have provided you with an approved exemption letter). WA Cares uses the same localization definitions as the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program, so employees who are included in Paid Leave will also participate in WA Cares. Employees contribute 0.58% of each paycheck to the program. Unlike Paid Leave, the income to which WA Cares premiums are applied is not capped at the taxable maximum for Social Security. The Employment Security Department (ESD) has a premium calculator you can use to calculate premium amounts for both WA Cares and Paid Leave. Additional information from the WA Paid Leave site: Beginning July 1, 2023, employers will collect WA Cares premiums from employees the same as for Paid Leave—ESD is updating the Paid Leave reporting system so employers can report for both programs at the same time. Select Setup>Payroll Taxes Select Setup>Payroll Items and set up a new Payroll Item. Set the Default Family Leave state to WA If ALL employees are in WA Set the Employee FamLv State by employee if SOME employees are in WA.
WA Cares
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