You may create an unlimited number of staff portals once your Office Portal has been established.
Select Management>Staff from the left menu
Click Create Staff Portal which will take you to the Staff Profile page.
The Category field will default to OtherStaff. Assign a category for your staff member from the drop-down menu. Click for here instructions to add Staff Categories.
The Department field is optional.
The First Name field is optional, however, the Last Name field is required.
The Email address is required to receive email notifications such as those generated when the portal has been created or when files are uploaded. This email is also used in Conversations.
The Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone, Fax, Cell fields are optional.
Note: The User Name and Password fields will display under Login Settings once their login has been created.
The Direct Login Pin is used as an added layer of security. This is not needed if you are logging from a static IP address that has been added to our database. If you are using a bookmark to log in from an unknown IP address you will have to enter the Direct Login Pin as well as your username and password.
Enter your Windows Username (case sensitive) that applies to the computer you normally use when printing to the VO from FCA, Dillner's File Center, or using the Dillner's Print 2 and Send 2 Power Tools. This will populate the selections for Department, Category, and Message Template for your uploads based upon your settings.
When using File Message Templates, the templates with this order number will be selected by default.
The Signature will be automatically included in Conversation messages when checked. Click on Edit Content to create or edit an existing signature. Click here for signature instructions.
The staff member will Receive an Email for every new message in Conversations which they are included in when this box is checked. If unchecked, the staff member will not receive an email but will have the ability to view the conversation within the VO.
You may Use the Enter key to send messages in Conversations when this box is checked. If unchecked, the Send icon must be used to send a message in Conversations.
When the BCC Conversation Email box is checked, the Receive BCC Email box on the conversation screen will be selected by default.
Select the Receive Email Notice radio button to receive an email notification once a document has been sent to the staff member through the Review Queue. Select the Do Notreceive email notice radio button to opt-out of this feature.
Check the box under Prior Reviewer to automatically return a document to the staff member/prior reviewer after the review has been completed.
A BCC email will be generated once a file has been uploaded when you select the ReceiveBCC Notice Email radio button. Select the Do Notreceive BCC of email notice radio button to opt-out of this feature.
Do not use Java for Uploading/Downloading Files. Java is no longer needed but can still be used with Internet Explorer. If you leave the box unchecked, the Java applet will open when uploading or downloading files. If the box is checked, the drag and drop feature will be used instead.
A checkmark in the Active box indicates the staff member is Active. The Owner or Partner has the right to inactivate a staff member.
Home Page Content defaults to the Default Staff page.
Choose the Departments the staff member belongs to by checking the applicable boxes. You may select multiple departments for the staff member. Click here to see instructions on Adding Departments.
Select the Staff Rights:
Basic allows the staff member to send and receive files and emails.
Client maintenance gives basic rights plus the ability to set up and edit clients. Delete Client Employee portals. Set up and receive payroll forms.
Partner level gives full rights to all functions within the VO.
Webmaster is an additional level. A staff member may have Basic rights and be assigned as the Webmaster. This provides rights to manage web pages in the VO.
Click the green Submit button to create the staff record.
What to Expect Next (Office)
Once the Staff Profile is complete, the staff record will display under Management>Staff from the left menu. The profile will display as pending until the staff member creates their login information.
Select the Edit icon if changes are necessary to the staff record.
Select the Delete icon to delete the staff record.
Nudge Staff
If the staff member does not create their login within two days, an automatic reminder email may be generated, depending on your office settings. The number of days for the reminder email is selected under Office Profile>Office Default Settings. If there are still delays after the reminder email is sent, the client may click Nudge Staff which is located above the Staff list using Management>Staff from the left menu.
Check the box under the Select column heading for the staff member.
Click the green Send button to send the reminder email.
What to Expect Next (Staff)
The staff member will receive an email notification indicating their Secure Portal has been created with a link.
Click the link to go to the Setup page.
Enter your User Name and Password.
Enter your password a second time to Confirm Password.
Click the Create button.
Upload Picture of Staff Member
To upload a picture of a staff member, select Management>Staff from the left menu.
Click the Edit icon for the staff member to access the Staff Profile page.
Scroll down the page to click on the blue Picture button to browse to and select the JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) file.
Click Open to upload the image.
Select the Delete Image box to remove the picture from the Staff Profile.
Create/Edit Signature
Enter the desired Signature in the area below the formatting toolbar or edit the existing signature.
Select the green Preview button to preview the signature.
Select the green Publish button to save the signature or click on the "x" at the top right of the window to return to the Create/Edit Contents page.
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