Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Files
You may post documents that are of common interest to all clients or all clients belonging to a specific Department in the (Forms & Pubs) Common Documents section. For example, you may upload forms such as W-4 or I-9's. This will eliminate having to send the form to each of your clients. Select Files>Forms & Pubs in the left menu. The link for Forms & Pubs will not appear on the left menu for the Client unless there is at least one file uploaded by your office in this section. Files in the Common Documents section are available to ALL clients or all clients belonging to a specific Department. Within this section, files can be organized in folders and subfolders. The default name for this section is Forms & Pubs. You may rename it. To do so: Select Management>Office Profile from the left menu or in the lower Management section. Scroll down the page to the Office Default Settings section and Common Documents Label field. Type the label you would prefer.
Forms & Pubs/Common Documents
Common Documents
Forms & Publications by Department
The Department folder name will indicate if files exist within the folder. Click the expand button to view the files. Click the collapse
button to collapse the folder. The action links are located to the far right of the folder name.
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