Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Import Transactions
Use Write Up>Import Transactions>Dillner’s Payroll if Write Up and Payroll files are in the same instance of the program. This import eliminates the need to open the payroll file to create the export and then open the write up file to import. Note: DO NOT SELECT THE CHECKING ACCOUNT as the Net Offset Account. Select the Net Check Offset Account, if necessary. Map the client's accounts using the account map grid on the left side of the window by selecting the appropriate account in the Map To column for each of the accounts from the payroll file. Click the Fill Map button at the upper right of the window to have the system look for and map all accounts where the account Lookups match in both files. Use the grid on the right side of the window to define transactions to be summarized into one transaction. Select the Summarize transactions as follows box to create the summarized transaction(s). Number—Identify all parts of a summarized transaction with the same Number. The transaction number in FCA™ Write Up will be S1, S2, etc. Debit—Enter the debit accounts in the Debit column that are part of the summarized transaction. Credit—Enter the credit accounts in the Credit column that are part of the summarized transaction. Description—Enter a description for the transaction, if desired. If the exported information contains payroll checks additional grids at the top of the window for mapping Payroll Items, Departments, and Locales must be completed. Be sure that each item is properly mapped. Create additional Payroll Items, Departments, and Locales as needed. Select action to take when duplicate contact is found. None—When a match is found, the record is not imported. Update—When a match is found, only blank fields are updated with data from the source company. Replace—When a match is found, the entire record is replaced with the record from the source company, including blank fields. Each import will be assigned a unique Batch name that follows a similar format. Batch DPAY 2016 4-1 indicates that the import is the first PBM™ or FCA import done in period 4 of 2016. If a file is imported in the same period using this import, the batch name would be DPAY 2016 4-2. To delete all transactions imported in a batch, select Writeup>Import Transactions>PBM or FCA. Select the Batch to be deleted in the Undo by batch field and select Undo. Batches that have been imported in prior periods cannot be undone. Additional filters may be set to zero in on particular transactions.
Dillner's Payroll
Include Payroll Items—When this box is selected, the individual payroll checks will be imported as payroll checks. You will have to map each payroll item to the appropriate matching item.
Summarize Payroll Checks
Include Check Status—Selecting this box will cause the program to include the cleared status. (A check marked as cleared will export or import as cleared.) If this is not selected, all checks will be exported as uncleared.
Use the grid to define the summarized transaction as follows:
Make the appropriate selection:
Undo by Batch
View Imported Transactions
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