Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > E-Signatures
Important Note: Access to the signature document will expire 7 days from the upload date. However, the document can still be signed. The signer will receive the message below. A confirmation message will display once the Generate new link button has been selected. After all signatures have been completed, the signed document and the signature log can be accessed from the client portal by clicking the Upload Files Quick Tile from the Dashboard or Files> Upload Files from the left menu.
3.0 Signing the Document From the Client Portal
Signing the Document from the Portal
If the signature document has exceeded the 7-day period from the upload date, see the Important note at the bottom of this article.
The four signature options are:
*Important Note: Do not enter two names (i.e. Mary & John Smith). View and Download Signed Documents (From the Client Portal)
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