Dillner's Accounting Tools > section > Files
Your Briefcase is a convenient place to upload files to a remote location for future downloads. You may access your Briefcase from any location having an internet connection. The Briefcase is not intended to be a backup of your system or files. The files in the Personal Briefcase are only available to the person who uploaded them. The files uploaded to the Shared Briefcase are available to all staff members with Partner Rights. Click the Personal or Shared Briefcase quick tile on the Dashboard or select Files > Private Files (Briefcase) from the left menu to access existing files or upload new files to either your Personal Briefcase or the Shared Briefcase. Categories (folders) can be created or edited for your Briefcase files. You may use the Search filter to locate your files within the Personal and Shared Briefcases.
3.0 Private Files (Briefcase)
Adding Files to Personal and Shared Briefcases
Create and Edit Briefcase Categories
to make the desired changes. Click the blue Update button.
Searching Briefcase Files
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