Configuring your settings in the Office Profile is an important step in the initial setup of your portal. The fields on the Office Profile can be modified. The office defaults for the portal are set up within this area.
To edit your Office Profile, go to the Control Panel in the top right corner of your portal and click the Settings icon.
Owner Settings
Office Default Settings
Login Settings
Owner Settings
- Review Queue Notice Email—The default, Receive email notice generates a notification when a document has been sent through the review queue. Choose Do not receive email notice to disable the notification.
- Prior Reviewer—Select this option to automatically return files to the staff member or prior reviewer after the review has been completed.
- Do not use Java—Only select this option if you are using Internet Explorer.
- Include Signature—Select this option when an email signature is set up for Conversations.
- Receive Conversation Email—Select this option to generate an email for every new message in a Conversation.
- Receive Weekly Report—Select this option to receive an email report every Monday of your office VO activities including:
- Total Files Uploaded, Accessed, and Files not Accessed.
- Total Users logged in.
- Review Queue Files uploaded for Review, Released to Clients, and For you as the Next Reviewer.
- Total Payroll Forms Completed and Closed.
- Total documents sent for Signature(s) and documents sent back after Signatures completed.
- Total Paystubs Uploaded. T
- Total Conversations initiated.
- BCC Conversation Email—Select this option to generate a blind carbon copy when an email is sent to a client.
Office Default Settings
- Client Cannot Delete File—This option controls the default deletion settings for uploaded files. Select the box if the client should not be able to delete uploaded files. Deselect it to allow the office or client to delete their own files. Tax returns would be an example of a file for which this option should be selected. The client could come back months later to re-access this file.
- Login Recovery—The system can automatically send users' usernames via email if the email they submit matches an email in a record for your office. This section lets you choose who can request a login recovery email. The email will contain a link to reset the password. This link automatically expires after 24 hours, or once the password has been reset.
- Do not provide Login Recovery to any user—Selecting this option removes the login recovery links from the login window for all users.
- Username and Password to Clients only—This option provides the login recovery link on the login page to recover the username and password for Clients only. The username will be sent to the email address if it matches an email address in the Client Profile of a user. The email to reset the password will only be sent if the email address and username entered match those in the Client Profile.
- Username and Password to Clients and Staff—This option provides the login recovery link on the login page to recover the username and password for both Clients and Staff. The username will be sent to the email address if it matches an email address in the Profile of a client or staff member. The email to reset the password will only be sent if the email address and username entered match those in a client or staff Profile. Primary owners are required to contact Dillner's for an email to reset their username or password which provides an added layer of security.
- No BCC upload message—The default is set to receive a blind carbon copy when files are uploaded to a client. Check this box to disable the BCC.
- Staff Listing View—The staff listing view determines who can see your staff listing page.
- Default—Set to Internal.
- Internal—The staff list is not available to public web visitors or to your clients. Only you and your staff will have access to it. Going to Management>Staff on the left menu will display internal staff names, phone numbers, emails, VO IDs, departments and their VO rights levels. Employee records can be edited or deleted.
- Clients—The staff list is available to all logged-in users, both staff and clients. The left menu will include an Our Staff link where this information can be accessed.
- Public—This option remains in place for our classic users only.
- The default setting for File Link in a client email message—A link to uploaded file(s) can be provided in the email upload message. This section allows you to choose when to include this link. The following options are available:
- Link in email message not available for use—Use this selection when the recipient is unable to access links due to security settings on their side.
- Link in email message available but not selected by default—This option will require the sender to check the box "Include a link to the file in the notification email to the client" upon each upload. This will take the client to the Secure Login page.
- Link in email message available and selected by default—This is the recommended option. A link is included in the message, which will take the client to the Secure Login page. Once logged in, they will be taken directly to the file. If they already are logged into their portal, the link will take them directly to the file.
- Two-Factor Authentication—This may be used as an added layer of security when logging into your portal by selecting a one-time password via email, text, or both. The password generated is case-sensitive. The cell phone number field is required when activating this feature.
- Enable Conversation—An owner/partner may enable or disable the Conversations Module for their office and clients. Using Management > Office Profile from the left menu, go to the Office Default Settings section and click the Enable Conversation Module box. Uncheck the Enable Conversations Module box to disable this module.
- Enable Chat—Use this feature to ask Office Staff, Clients, or Client Employees quick questions.
- Send Reminder Email Days—Once a new client is set up they will receive an email to establish a User ID and password.
- Default—2 days of reminder emails to the client or staff member will be generated if the User ID and password have not been set up.
- The drop-down field has options to change the number of reminder emails from 3-7 or select Do Not Send Email.
- Domain—This is the client's URL for the VO ( This is used by a prospect clicking on your listing in the Accountants Directory.
- Common Documents Label—Forms and Publications can be posted that are of common interest to either all clients or all clients belonging to a Department. This is a category of files for clients where files are available to ALL clients and files are organized in folders and sub-folders that you create. The default Label for the category is Forms & Pubs; however, you can rename it in this field.
Login Settings
- User Name—The user's username will be shown in this field.
- Password—Passwords are encrypted on our servers. The dots do not represent the number of characters in the password.
- Owner Direct Login Pin—This PIN can be used to bookmark your login. When a static IP address is not set up for an office, there will be a prompt for the direct login pin. A static IP address may be added to our database which would provide a secondary level of authentication.
- Master Office Direct Login Pin—This PIN is used when impersonating your clients or staff. The system automatically assigns a Master Office Login PIN for a new office. This can be changed by entering a PIN of your choice in this field. It must be at least 4 characters.
- Windows Username—Enter the Windows username (case sensitive) that applies to the computer you normally use when printing to the VO from FCA or using Dillner's Print to Portals and the Send to Power Tools. This will make default settings for file uploads based on your settings.
- File Message Order—This will set the default for the message template when you upload a file. Message Templates are assigned a Category and unique Order number when they are created. For example, if "1" is set in the File Message Order field, the message template numbered "1" will prefill in the email area of the upload process for the selected Category.
Departments are the layout of your office.
The default departments are Bookkeeping, Payroll, and Tax.
Additional departments can be set up by clicking the Add button to the right of the Department heading. A maximum of 20 departments is allowed.
Clients are assigned to one or more departments during their initial setup. If the client is Payroll only, the Payroll Department would be selected. During the upload file process, files are sent to departments rather than staff members. Each department has a default notice email assigned to it. Staff members are assigned to one or multiple departments, which allows them to access all emails and files within that department.
Default Notice Email—This sends the notification for all emails and files received for this department to the email address in this field for the office. This field can be edited at the client level if a specific staff member should receive all notifications. In the event of staff changes, click the Search & Replace link to update the email address with the new staff member email.
Public Home Page Text—Edit the Home Page Value Statement which displays on the Dashboard for your clients. This area can be used for marketing purposes or for providing quick instructions on how to upload a file, for example.
Footer Text—Edit the footer information which is displayed at the bottom of your portal page.
Signature—Create or edit a signature for emails.
Click the green Submit button once all changes have been made.
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